Friday, February 27, 2009

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative Disc Disease is not really a disease process. This condition occurs when the disc becomes dehydrated and starts to break down. The causes of D.D.D. are numerous: aging, bad diet, smoking, and a lack of exercise. When discs break down, they become more prone to serious conditions such as disc herniations, disc bulges, and spinal sterosis. The end result is a decrease in spinal strength, speed and flexibility. To a golfer this could be the difference between playing pain free or in pain

Spinal decompression machines can create a negative vacuum that actually helps the disc repair itself. Most golfers can recall playing the game in pain. Spinal decompression can help turn back the hands of time, and keep you on the golf course.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why I Am Writing This Blog!

My goal is to deliver the best, up to date, cutting edge information that will take your health to the highest level.

My passion is derived from being able to help you reach all your goals. I have been given the gift of being able to research and pass on my knowledge to others, and I do not take this lightly! I give my promise to you that I will answer all your questions, and hopefully impact your life in a positive way.

Thank you for viewing my blog…

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Depression Part II

Depression starts when the mood area of the brain is disturbed. The brain communicates through chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemicals control our behavior, and are controlled by the food we eat.

Eating carbohydrates helps calm down the mind, where ingesting proteins can make you more alert.

Consumption of B-Complex vitamins have shown to normalize brain function. The amino acid L-Tyrosine raises the happy chemicals in the brain, and influences mood in a positive direction.

Genetics can play a part in depression. Around 50 percent of people with depression have one or more parents that suffer from depression.

Consult a physician for more information.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)

DMSO was discovered in Russia in the year 1866. Its use was primarily as an analgesic for treating muscle strains, sprains and tendonitis.

Athletes found DMSO to be effective when dispersed over injured body parts. It was quickly absorbed when applied.

DMSO works by blocking the conduction of pain receptors in nerve cells.

The Toronto Maple Leafs baseball team was treated by Dr. Paul with DMSO. He found that an injury treated with DMSO responded in 28 days, compared to taking 42 days healing time for injuries not treated with DMSO.

DMSO can carry substances directly into the body. This can lead to toxic reactions when non medical grade DMSO is not used.

DMSO is best used in 70-90 percent sterile water, and applied about every 4-6 hours. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before using DMSO.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Depression Part I

This is a subject that will affect most people some time in their life. Some get angry, and others become withdrawn. The good news is most cases of depression are short lived, and not serious.

Cardinal signs of depression are: fatigue, back and neck pain, headaches, loss of appetite, binge eating and worse case scenarios include suicidal thoughts.

Depression causes are vast. It can be brought on by stress, improper food intake, allergies and sugar. Lack of sunlight in the winter months can also trigger depression. Research has shown that two hours of a.m. sun is great towards alleviating depression.

Consult a qualified physician if depression is effecting your life.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Fasting is an effective way of detoxifying your body. The break in food intake allows the body to rest. Fasting is best controlled by a physician.

Regular fasting helps the body heal itself and stay well. Your organs get a rest. Your blood gets purified, and your colon gets cleansed.

Fasts can be done for three-ten days. Do not fast on water alone. All fasts over three days should be supervised by a physician.

Diabetics should not fast unless closely supervised by a doctor. Hypoglycemics should use high quality protein when fasting.

Fasting can become an integral part of your health regiment. Fast about three days per month.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Five Exercise Myths

1. Never drink while exercising. This was popular with the old time boxers. Drinking water helps bath the blood cells, and help them circulate.

2. Eat sugar before exercise to increase your energy. Bad idea! Sugar increases insulin, and gets stored in your organs.

3. Don’t eat before you swim. This one doesn’t work, because once you start exercising, circulation to the intestines shuts down. Blood is diverted to the muscles.

4. Use salt tabs to decrease fatigue. Salt tabs are made of solid brine, and when resting on the stomach walls can cause nausea and vomiting. Bad idea, skip the salt tabs.

5. Extra protein increases strength. Momma is wrong again! Your body has reserves of protein and can only digest small amounts per meal. Extra protein can be a big waste of money. The kidneys and liver get overworked also.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


According to a government study done by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, spinal manipulation is the most effective treatment for acute lower back pain.

Lower-back pain is suffered, at one time or another, by up to 80 percent of adult Americans. Next to the common cold, it is the most common reason men and women visit primary care physicians.

For lower back pain this is some of what the report recommends:

1. Spinal manipulation by a chiropractor. 

2. Low-stress exercise such as walking, swimming or biking, if the problems are “mild or moderate.”

3. More rigorous “conditioning exercises” for the trunk muscles to start and gradually increase after the first two weeks of pain.

SOURCE: Chicago Sun-Times

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Total Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week

In their book Total Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week, Dr. Laurence Morehouse and Leonard Gross have put together a program that can get you in good physical condition in only two hours. (Even if you haven’t exercised in the past 20 years). Exercise can be done in the shower, waiting for the bus, or sitting at your desk.

Exercise sessions are done for ten minutes every other day. One minute is spent on limbering up, four minutes on muscle building, and five minutes on cardiovascular exercises. This is a great exercise program for those that truly hate to exercise. Remember – you are only two hours away from good physical condition.

Always consult a qualified physician before starting any exercise program.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Footbath Detoxification Cleanse

The ionic footbath is the latest in cutting edge technology and was developed to detoxify your body. This unique device was designed to specifically empower your body to more aggressively address and heal itself.

This innovative detox device will cleanse, balance, and enhance your vital energy force found in your bodily fluids. This ionic foot bath if routinely used, will increase physical and mental energy, vitality, and stamina, while detoxifying the body of harmful toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, and other foreign material that have clogged up the layers of skin. This new technology as a therapy assists with internal cleansing of the liver and the irradification of parasites. This new process if done on a regular basis may result in less body fluid retention, reduced inflammation, improved memory, a stronger immune system, and more pain relief from headaches, gout, and arthritis pain. During an ionic foot spa treatment, you will actually observe the cleaning process hard at work. As the electric current interacts with the water you will begin to see your body purging or detoxifying. The ionic foot bath emits a very specific frequency that enables the cells to return to a healthy state and remove the waste or toxins.

Let your feet enjoy the warmth of the water. The spa detox will last approximately 30 minutes. Throughout the course of treatment you may see expelled toxins. The water may change color or consistency. It may vary from orange, brown, possibly even black, due to the release of toxic substances through the 2000 pores located on the bottom of each foot. When the water is changing colors, each color represents the area of body that is being cleansed.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Health Bulletin 4 Chiropractic and Children

Chiropractors often encounter parents who recognize the importance of regular check-ups for their child’s teeth, eyes, and hearing, but draw a total blank when it comes to a spinal check-up.

A spinal check-up could possibly be the most important check-up your child will ever have!

The spine is the life line of the body and helps protect the integrity of the nervous system.

An infant’s spine may sustain serious damage during child birth. Forceps and similar devices are used to pull a baby through the birth canal. Babies were meant to be pushed out of the birth canal not pulled out. The vertebrae of the baby’s spine may become misaligned and put pressure on the nervous system. That may be the reason why infants cry so frequently!

Shaking a young toddler may cause various whiplash injuries to the spine.

Children are expected to grow up and be very physical. Running and jumping and various slips and falls are a part of the growing up process. The spine can be adversely affected and have serious after effects. The concerned parent should have their child’s spine checked often during the growing years.

A remarkable study performed by pediatricians showed that children under Chiropractic care had superior health compared to children brought up under basic medical care. These Chiropractic children suffered fewer ear infections, fewer allergies, and fewer cases of tonsillitis.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


According to the front page of the “Life” section in the Toronto Star… “Chiropractors were right. Many headaches are caused by damaged structures in the neck – and scientific evidence proves it.”

The article interviewed a Toronto physician, Peter Rothbart, who concludes:

“We have been about to find an anatomical and physiological cause for many headaches. We’ve found damaged structures in the neck, and have gone on to prove they are the cause of the pain.

“We couldn’t believe it at first. We’ve been able to put together a scientific explanation for how structure causes headaches…”

In the past medical doctors have scorned the idea that neck problems cause headaches when it was suggested by chiropractors. But Rothbart says they will accept the anatomical research results.

Rothbart says doctors can check different bones in the neck to identify exactly where the problem is…If it is a structural problem that will respond to spinal manipulation, Rothbart refers the patient to a chiropractor to have it fixed.”

Friday, February 13, 2009

Health Bulletin 2: Auto Injuries Whiplash

Whiplash pain can be unlike any other types of pain. When a car accident is severe, the pain will come on right away. If the injury produces a slight or moderate sprain, sometimes it takes a few days for the pain and inflammation to reach its maximum. Sometimes it is stiffness that is the most common symptom and the patient notices this in the first few weeks after the accident. The delay in pain is often seen in low speed collisions.

There are a lot of factors that determine the extent of injury following a low speed whiplash. One of these is the neck posture prior to impact. Was the head rotated? This can occur if the patient was looking at the rear view mirror prior to the collision.

Speed and the amount of vehicle damage are sometimes good criteria for the severity of the trauma. However, it may not be in all cases due to crumple zones. Cars are built with crumple zones. These areas are crushed during the collision and absorb the impact. In low speed collisions, there is less crumple zone and more of the force is to the driver.

Another factor in whiplash is whether the head-rest was in the proper position. A proper head-rest should be close to the back of the head and its high point slightly above the top of the head. The reason for the high position is that in a rear-end collision, patient who is being hit will rise slightly with impact. If the head-rest is too low, then the neck will bend around it like a fulcrum causing even more injury. The same thing happens if the seat is reclined too far and the head whips backwards before hitting the head-rest.

Because symptoms can come on slowly and minor vehicle damage is not a proper indicator of injury, a thorough examination is recommended. It is important to be checked by a health care provider after an automobile accident.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sports Breathing Conditioning

Important to relaxation is supplying the body with ample amounts of oxygen. The Sport-Breath will accomplish this goal. This type of breathing will dramatically change the physiology of the body. The Sport-Breath can be used before a golf match, during, and afterwards to help aid in recovery. It can also be used prior to studying, relaxing, lifting weights, etc. This breath should be taken when you feel the need to supply your body with and extra amount of oxygen.

The Sport-Breath is sometimes referred to as diaphragmatic breathing. In diaphragmatic breathing you inhale and draw oxygen deep into the stomach region. This will also totally inflate the lungs. Newborn babies and wild animals preparing for a kill breathe this way in to increase the energy of the body.

When confronted with a negative mishap – most people begin to pant (short, rapid breaths). This will make you tense, angry and fearful. Your heart rate increases and this will cause a loss of coordination, and concentration. Neither of these conditions have any benefit to an individual. Learning to monitor, and control breathing ensures optimal oxygenation for proper brain and muscle cell efficiency.

The Sport-Breath can be done either standing, sitting or lying down. It usually depends on the circumstances of the situation to which position you will use. Exhale through your mouth and empty all the air from your lungs.

Now slowly start inhaling through your mouth and empty all the air from your lungs. Now slowly start inhaling through your nose. Push out on your stomach muscles. You will actually see your stomach rising as you inhale. This will allow you to take in air to the lower section of the lungs. Most people are chest breathers. They never inhale oxygen to the lower sections of their lungs.

While inhaling slowly, it is important to expand you rib cage as much as possible. At the same time you will raise your shoulders to help your inhalation. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.

After 10 seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth. The exhalation should be done slowly, and take about 5 seconds. The body detoxifies it’s self during exhalation. The Sport-Breath should be preformed 5 times.

The Sport-Breath is a very simple exercise. But remember not to over look simplicity. This type of breathing is the secret power behind many golfers, martial artists, weight lifters, basketball players, etc. I recommend the Sport-Breath be performed 2 times daily for the rest of your life.

You must breath in about 18-22 ounces of air to get 1 ounce of air into your blood stream. Diaphragmatic breathing relaxes our emotions, and lets go of tension. The Sport-Breath strengthens abdominal, and intestinal muscles. This will in turn take pressure off the low-back region. While being a Chiropractor – I can really appreciate this exercise. Do it regularly, and it may keep you out of my office.
After a deep breathing session you will have better mental concentration. This in retrospect will increase your ability to create mental images. The more you use this exercise, the more efficient your body and mind will perform.

Joe Bod……The Bodybuilder

Joe Bod pulled up to the gym parking lot in his 1967 Volkswagon Squareback. His V.W. was much in need of a paint job. It belched, and jerked to a sudden stop. His jock strap hung from the rear view mirror. “I swear I could see fumes coming from that thing!” There was a bunch of bananas on the dash board. Can you think of a better way to ripen a banana? It was very evident that Joe was still using his Squareback as his home. He grabbed his gym bag, and loaded it with the usual items: 6 bananas, 3 cans of tuna in water, 1 gallon of distilled H20, 1 bottle of vitamins, 6 viles of a gooey substance, and a roll of toilet paper. (You never know?) Joe was ready to start another of his 5 hour marathon body building workouts. Afterwards, he would hit the beach for some serious sun tanning. There would be a few teeny boppers there that wanted to admire his pumped up body, and hear his stories about winning the Mr. Omaha body building contest 3 years in a row………..


The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta says that the average American has about 3 pounds of parasites living in their body.

I believe the single most undiagnosed health challenge in the history of the human race is parasites.

The signs of parasites in the human body: itchy ears, nose, anus, forgetfulness, slow reflexes, gas bloating, loss of appetite, fast heartbeat, eat more than normal, still feel hungry, lethargy, numb hands and dry lips during the day.

A parasite is an organism that lives off the host, the host being you or me. The parasite lives a parallel life inside our bodies, feeding off either our own energy, our own cells or the food we eat, or even feeding off the health supplements we use.

A parasite eats, lays eggs and secretes. Some parasites love sugar, for instance. If you are a person who craves sugar, you may have a sugar loving parasite. In fact, parasites are known to be one of the causes of diabetic tendencies and blood sugar discrepancies. They exist mainly in the digestive tract, but can be found in the liver, as well as throughout the body.

As if it wasn’t bad enough to have an uninvited guest living in your body, the parasites eat your nutrients before you do! They get the best nutrients, and you get the scraps and leftovers. They grow healthy and fat, yet your organs and skin starve for nutrition. What’s more, parasites can remain in your body for 10, 20, or even 30 years.

How Do We Get Parasites?

Here is a list of ways parasites can get into your body: shaking hands, sharing someone else’s soda can, kissing (even on the cheek), intimate sexual contact, and believe it or not, you can get parasites by inhaling dust which contains the dried form of these organisms. You can get parasites from eating meat. Another source of parasites is salads.

Married couples tend to have them together, and if one person is treated for the parasitic infection, they are often re-infected by their spouse. It is extremely important that both be treated at the same time, and in many cases, the children should be treated along with their parents.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do You Have Foot Pain?

The human foot serves as the foundation of the body, combining mechanical complexity and structural strength. The ankle specifically serves as the shock absorber and propulsion engine of the body. The foot and ankle are designed to sustain enormous pressure while providing flexibility and resiliency.

The foot and the ankle are made up of……..
· 26 bones
· 33 joints and more than 100 muscles.

These components work together to provide the body with support, balance, and mobility. A structural flaw or malfunction in any one part can result in the development of problems elsewhere in the body.

Supination of the foot occurs when the foot rolls outward at the ankle. The most common symptoms of supination are pain through the arch of the foot or pain in the heel. The pain can usually be associated with plantar fascitis or heel spurs. Other symptoms can be back and knee pain.

Pronation of the foot is a condition that occurs when the arch of the foot collapses. Often, pronation occurs as a result of strain on the foot. If pronation is left untreated, serious problems can arise.

Health Bulletin 1: Fibromyalgia

Health Bulletin 1: Fibromyalgia

Vitamin C and Muscle Pain

Patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia use many different complementary and alternative treatments. Since medications and surgery are rarely indicated, the use of safer (less toxic) alternatives has become widespread. Many patients will report trying different treatments, such as exercise programs, prayer, chiropractic and vitamin supplements.

Vitamins may offer an integral link to muscle pain and fibromyalgia symptoms in some patients. Long used by athletes to speed wound healing and recovery from work-outs, vitamin C has now caught the attention of researchers, who are trying to see how this vitamin works, and whether it is effective as a supplement for individuals with fibromyalgia.

Many times patients will take individual nutrients for particular symptoms, or because that was what was recommended by a doctor. Other times the nutrient is part of a larger regimen, including food and weight loss advice, other vitamins, minerals and herbs. Most patients take a variety of supplements.

One study of twelve fibromyalgia patients showed supplementing with vitamin C (500 mg daily) showed a 17-20% decrease in symptoms. Because Vitamin C, in particular, has little known toxic effects at high doses, a few to several grams can be recommended daily. The vitamin should be buffered to minimize stomach irritation. Bowel tolerance (loose stools) occurs when the body is saturated with the vitamin. One way to ingest buffered vitamin C, is to take one gram each hour until your tolerance is reached. That amount would then be the maximum dose for the patient. The dose should then be spread throughout the day. Taking vitamins with foods may also aid in their absorption.

Ask your health care provider about the different supplements you may be taking and your general diet. Getting your nutrition from whole foods is the best source for vitamins and minerals. Supplements should really be used to supplement a diet naturally rich in antioxidants, such as one with many daily servings of vegetables and fruits.

Sources: Mayo Clin Proc2005, 80(1) 55; Altern Med Rev. 2002, 7 (5) 389; Neurosurgery 1984; 14(2): 142; Altern Med Rev 2000, 5 (5): 455; Altern Med Rev 2001, 6(1):46

What Doctors Do To Get Out Of Pain

It’s called a breakthrough in the treatment of neck and back pain. It feels good, and is non-surgical. So what’s the answer? It is Spinal Decompression!! The Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins are using it with a success rate of about 90%.

How Does Spinal Decompression Work?

Spinal Decompression provides relief to severe back and neck pain sufferers by gently reducing the pressure within spinal discs. The bones of the spine are slowly and methodically separated using the state-of-the-art DYNA PRO Spinal Decompression Unit. As the vertebrae are separated pressure is slowly reduced within the disc (intradiscal pressure) until a vacuum is formed. This vacuum “sucks” the gelatinous center of the disc back inside thereby reducing the disc bulge or disc herniation. Significant disc bulge reduction removes pressure off the spinal nerves and drastically reduces pain and disability. This “sucking” vacuum also pulls much-needed oxygen, nutrients and fluid into injured and degenerated discs allowing the healing to begin.
The treatment motion is computer controlled to provide gentle and painless decompression of the injured spinal discs. Advanced DYNA PRO decompression techniques separate slowly and cycle between brief moments of pulling and relaxing (oscillation). This reduces protective muscle spasm that contributed to the poor success rate of outdated “traction” techniques.

How Do Spinal Discs Become Injured?

Over time gravity, spinal joint dysfunction and accumulated trauma cause the discs to compress, flatten and degenerate. Significant disc damage can become a tear called a disc herniation. The “jelly center” of the disc can also dry out over time which is referred to as degenerative disc disease. All forms of disc injury can eventually impinge on the nerves exiting the spine (“pinched nerve”) which can create numbness, tingling, burning or sharp pain down the arms or legs. Sharp pain originating from the back and “shooting” down the legs is often referred to as sciatica. The only treatment that can reverse this degenerative compression is NON-SURGICAL SPINAL DECOMPRESSION or THE DYNA PRO!
Spinal Decompression Can Treat The Following Conditions

· Sciatica
· Neck Disc Bulge
· Herniated Disc-Back
· Herniated Disc-Neck
· Pinched Nerve
· Degenerative Disc Disease

Weekly Health Update 2/9/2009

Week of: Monday, February 9, 2009
Courtesy of: Bob Moulas, D.C., 714-974-2505

Mental Attitude: De-Stress at Your Desk. Yoga helps improve circulation and reduces oxidative stress. If you’re overworked and overstressed, a few minutes of yoga can help. Try these four poses: 1. Side stretch. Raise both arms and stretch first to one side and then the other, holding the stretch for a few seconds on each side. This increases circulation and gets your spine moving the way it was meant to and is much better than spending the entire day hunched over a keyboard. 2. Rotation. Now slowly twist to each side. Be careful not to twist your neck excessively, especially if you’re tense. Keep your chin lined up over your chest. 3. Back arch. Sit at the edge of your chair and put your hands slowly behind you. Slowly arch backward, raising your chin as you do so. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. 4. Forward fold. Cross one leg so your ankle rests on the opposite knee, and then lean forward gently. This is a great way to stretch out hip and back muscles, which can tighten after hours of sitting. ~ Yoga Alliance, Yoga teacher Denise Dunn

Diet: Iron for a Cough? Women with chronic, idiopathic coughs were evaluated and all were found to be iron-deficient. All showed signs of throat inflammation such as redness, swelling and vocal cord sensitivity. After two months of iron supplementation, all the women showed either vast improvement or complete recovery. ~ Reuters, Oct 2007

Exercise: Diabetes Rate Up 90% in Last Decade. The incidence has been fueled by growing obesity rates and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. American Diabetes Association: 24 million US kids and adults, 8% of the population, have diabetes! ~ Reuters, Oct 2008

Chiropractic: Throwing Your Back Out …. If you lift a couch 100 times and your back goes “out” once, then it didn’t happen from that 100th time. So what did happen? The tissue in your back slowly fatigued from all of your activities and then one day, the tissue gave way. It’s the old “straw that broke the camel’s back.” So take care of your back from time to time; even if you are not in pain. ~ Marcus Strutz, D.C.

Wellness/Prevention: Smoking. In 2005, an estimated 45.1 million or 21% of adults were smokers. Smoking has declined 40% from 1965-1990, but has changed little since. ~ CDC, June 2005

Quote: “The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Weekly Health Update 2/2/2009

Week of: Monday, February 2, 2009
Courtesy of: Bob Moulas, D.C., 714-974-2505

Mental Attitude: The “Nocebo” Effect. A positive reaction to an allergy test may not necessarily mean you are allergic to the allergen. Researchers performed a double-blind, placebo controlled allergy test on children. About one of every six children showed a positive reaction to the procedure, confirmed by rashes, hives and diarrhea. The term for this outcome is the “nocebo” effect. While the placebo effect, which can improve a patient’s condition when he expects good results, the “nocebo” effect can cause physical manifestations relating to the patient’s negative expectations. ~ Allergy, Aug 2007

Heart Alert: Nightshift Risks. The World Health Organization is adding a new item to its list of “probable” cancer risk factors: working the night shift. The theory is that since melanin, which can suppress tumor development, is mostly produced during periods of darkness. Artificial light (or lack of a dark room in which to sleep) disrupts production, the individual is predisposed to tumor growth. Other explanations involve a simple circadian rhythm disruption, or perhaps the stress induced in people who work nights as part of a rotating schedule. ~ Associated Press, Nov 2007

Exercise: No Time? Current recommendations call for 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week. There are 1,440 minutes in a day and 30 minutes is only 2% of your day! ~ American Heart Association

Chiropractic: Chiropractic neck pain and balance. 5-10% of people develop debilitating symptoms from neck pain. Unfortunately, even among those folks who do not have disabling pain, the majority find their neck pain is stubborn and recurrent, to some degree. Canadian scientists have shown that arthritis in the neck may affect balance. This could mean, in cases of poor balance or repeated falls among the elderly, treatment of the cervical spine might have value. ~ Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, March/April 2008

Wellness/Prevention: Slimming Sleep! A recent study draws a strong correlation between lack of sleep in children and their risk of becoming obese as they grow older. Each additional hour a 3rd-grader sleeps at night reduces the risk by 40% of becoming obese in the 6th grade. Irregular bedtimes, caffeine intake and in-room TVs are all thought to contribute to the obesity epidemic. Sleep deprivation appears to upset the balance between two hormones that regulate the appetite: ghrelin (promotes hunger) and leptin (contributes to the feeling of fullness). The average 3rd grader sleeps 9 hours a night. Those least likely to become obese routinely slept 10-12 hours nightly. ~ Pediatrics, Nov 2007

Quote: “He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” ~ Arabic Proverb

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Week of: Monday January 5, 2009
Courtesy of: Bob Moulas, D.C., 714-974-2505

Mental Attitude: Researchers comparing the IQ of children raised in orphanages to those who were rescued at some point by foster parents discovered a dramatic difference. In some cases, it meant the difference between borderline retardation and average intelligence. One-on-one care at a young age has a definite impact on cognitive and intellectual development. According to this work, the earlier children are taken out of the institutional environment, the less stunting occurs. Children rescued before age 2 showed a 15-point IQ increase. For some of the age groups, each month spent in the orphanage translated to a half-point lower IQ score. Children raised by their biological parents still did much better than both groups - at about 10-20 points higher than the foster care group. ~ Associated Press, Dec 2007

Health Alert: Incontinent Memories - A study from Chicago's Rush University Medical Center suggests people taking anticholinergic drugs face a risk of memory and cognitive problems. Such drugs are used to treat high blood pressure, asthma, Parkinson's disease and incontinence. Those taking the medications showed a 50% faster decline in cognitive skills and memory. ~ Associated Press, April 2008

Diet: Breast Cancer and Weight. Keeping off weight after being diagnosed with breast cancer greatly increases a woman's chance of survival. Comparing survival rates with body mass index calculations, researchers found that for every 11 lbs gained after the initial diagnosis, the risk of death from breast cancer or other causes increased by 14%. Women classified as obese died at twice the rate of normal-weight females. ~ Reuters, Dec 2007

Exercise: Calories burned at rest! Our bodies burn calories as a result of workouts, increased daily activity, and something called "afterburn," which is an added attraction of strength training exercise. "Depending on how hard you work out, your metabolism can stay elevated for up to 48 hours after you've finished lifting." ~ Gary R. Hunter, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Chiropractic: Simple Back Pain Demonstration - Try this: Sit-up straight and have a friend put their hand flat on your low back. Then pretend to drive, work on the computer, read a book, etc. You should feel the muscles of the low back tighten. This is a simple demonstration of how the low back fatigues as everyone holds these postions all day long, over the entire workweek, over their entire lives. Daily stretching and routine chiropractic care can help diminish the effects of everyday activities.

Wellness/Prevention: The Secret of Longevity. Researchers from the University of Cambridge report they have found four basic lifestyle habits that can add 14 years to your life when all are observed: Don't smoke; get regular physical activity; eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily; and drink alcohol only in moderation.

Quote: "The patient should be made to understand that he or she must take charge of his own life. Don't take your body to the doctor as if he were a repair shop." ~ Quentin Regestein


Week of: Monday January 12, 2009
Courtesy of: Bob Moulas, D.C., 714-974-2505

Mental Attitude: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you can not do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?" ~ Luke 12: 25-26

Health Alert: Flu Migration ~ The flu begins each year in Asia (especially in the east and southeast regions) and begins to thrive during certain favorable conditions. In tropical areas, the flu likes the rainy season. In temperate zones, it prefers the chillier months. Because Asia has overlapping zones and dense populations, the virus tends to circulate all year long. After a new strain begins to spread through Asia, it moves to Australia, North America and Europe 6-9 months later. The virus finally burns out in South America or maybe Africa. Be careful as trade and travel patterns appear to be reasons for the geographical migration. ~ Science, April 2008

Diet: Obesity Deaths ~ Health statisticians are now warning obesity may soon become the number-one cause of deaths from cancer. Currently, smoking is responsible for about 30% of all cancer-related deaths. Obesity ranks second, at 14% and 20% for men and women, respectively. Due to the success of anti-smoking campaigns and legislation, smoking is gradually becoming less of a factor. In addition, more research is turning up evidence for the role of excess weight in many different types of cancer formations. Earlier studies focused on food content, but it's starting to look as if body fat itself is more relevant. ~ Associated Press, Feb 2008

Exercise: Growth Hormone Illusion ~ The effects of human growth hormone (HGH) use by athletes are interesting: HGH use does appear to increase muscle mass, but the more massive muscles do not appear to be any stronger than the original versions, had they been physically trained in the same manner. In fact, researchers suggest exercise capacity might suffer with HGH, as well as producing other side effects. The dosages studied were at levels considered fairly safe, and these findings might not apply to people using dangerously high amounts of the hormone. ~ Ann Intern Med, May 2008

Chiropractic: Patients with general back pain have great results with chiropractic care. A study of back pain sufferers who received chiropractic care found 81.75% reported their back pain was much improved, 17.3% reported their back pain was slightly improved, 0.95% reported no change and 0.0% reported their pain worsened. ~ Chiropractic Research Foundation of National Chiropractic Association

Wellness/Prevention: Teflon Babies ~ A report correlates the use of nonstick cookware in the kitchen with low-birth-weight human babies. Previous research in rodents found developmental problems resulting from exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA). Researchers used umbilical cord were decreased relative to higher concentrations of the compounds. ~ Environmental Health Perspectives, July 2007.

Quote: "The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body." ~ Grays Anatomy

Weekly Health Update 1/19/2009

Week of: Monday January 19, 2009
Courtesy of: Bob Moulas, D.C., 714-974-2505

Mental Attitude: "A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities, and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties." ~ Harry Truman

Health Alert: Cold Medicines Sending Children to Emergency Rooms. Just a few weeks after the FDA issued warnings about the dangers of cough and cold medications for very young children, a new study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports about 7,000 children each year wind up in hospital emergency rooms as a result of taking such medications. While many of the children took the medications without direct adult supervision, about one-quarter of the children received the properly recommended dose from a parent. The children cited in this study were 11 years and younger. ~ April 2008 Pediatrics

Diet: Whole Grain for Heart Success. Whole-grain foods are well-known for their protective effects against heart attacks, but another study now suggests they also make one less likely to suffer from congestive heart failure. This study gathered information over 20 years from 21,000 male doctors averaging 53.7 years of age. They found those men who averaged one bowl of whole-grain cereal a day (25 percent or more whole grain or bran by weight) were diagnosed with heart failure half as often, compared to those who rarely consumed such cereals. ~ Archives of Internal Medicine, Oct 2007

Exercise: BMI Is Out; Tape Measure Is In. If you're looking for an outward physical indication of atherosclerosis, you should forget the BMI index and use the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). The BMI only shows a correlation at the upper extreme of the scale, the WHR exhibits a very linear correlation across the board. In contrast to other studies that suggest a target waist size, this research simply says the smaller waist you have, the less clogged your arteries are. "Even a small pot belly puts us at higher risk when compared to a flat tummy." ~ Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2007

Chiropractic: Chiropractic Does Wonders for Headaches. Headache patients who received chiropractic care responded quite well. In one study, 83.2% reported their headaches were much improved, 11.1% reported their headaches were slightly improved, 5.1% reported no change and .6% reported their headaches worsened. ~ Chiropractic Research Foundation of National Chiropractic Association

Wellness/Prevention: Plants for Menopause. Foods with high polyphenol content may lessen some of the symptoms of menopause. Researchers report they were able to reduce excessive blood pressure (induced by a high salt intake) by about 50% using kudzu root extract. Kudzu is a woody vine with long, purplish flowers. The root has some estrogen-like activity and is used in traditional medicine to treat problems ranging from alcohol cravings to cluster headaches. ~ Reuters, Aug 2007, reporting on the work of Dr. J. Michael Wyss.

Quote: "The preservation of health is easier than the cure for disease." ~ B.J. Palmer