Thursday, February 12, 2009

Joe Bod……The Bodybuilder

Joe Bod pulled up to the gym parking lot in his 1967 Volkswagon Squareback. His V.W. was much in need of a paint job. It belched, and jerked to a sudden stop. His jock strap hung from the rear view mirror. “I swear I could see fumes coming from that thing!” There was a bunch of bananas on the dash board. Can you think of a better way to ripen a banana? It was very evident that Joe was still using his Squareback as his home. He grabbed his gym bag, and loaded it with the usual items: 6 bananas, 3 cans of tuna in water, 1 gallon of distilled H20, 1 bottle of vitamins, 6 viles of a gooey substance, and a roll of toilet paper. (You never know?) Joe was ready to start another of his 5 hour marathon body building workouts. Afterwards, he would hit the beach for some serious sun tanning. There would be a few teeny boppers there that wanted to admire his pumped up body, and hear his stories about winning the Mr. Omaha body building contest 3 years in a row………..


  1. Loan guy,
    I actually knew a guy like this! It was me. I have moved on though.
    Take care.
