Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sports Breathing Conditioning

Important to relaxation is supplying the body with ample amounts of oxygen. The Sport-Breath will accomplish this goal. This type of breathing will dramatically change the physiology of the body. The Sport-Breath can be used before a golf match, during, and afterwards to help aid in recovery. It can also be used prior to studying, relaxing, lifting weights, etc. This breath should be taken when you feel the need to supply your body with and extra amount of oxygen.

The Sport-Breath is sometimes referred to as diaphragmatic breathing. In diaphragmatic breathing you inhale and draw oxygen deep into the stomach region. This will also totally inflate the lungs. Newborn babies and wild animals preparing for a kill breathe this way in to increase the energy of the body.

When confronted with a negative mishap – most people begin to pant (short, rapid breaths). This will make you tense, angry and fearful. Your heart rate increases and this will cause a loss of coordination, and concentration. Neither of these conditions have any benefit to an individual. Learning to monitor, and control breathing ensures optimal oxygenation for proper brain and muscle cell efficiency.

The Sport-Breath can be done either standing, sitting or lying down. It usually depends on the circumstances of the situation to which position you will use. Exhale through your mouth and empty all the air from your lungs.

Now slowly start inhaling through your mouth and empty all the air from your lungs. Now slowly start inhaling through your nose. Push out on your stomach muscles. You will actually see your stomach rising as you inhale. This will allow you to take in air to the lower section of the lungs. Most people are chest breathers. They never inhale oxygen to the lower sections of their lungs.

While inhaling slowly, it is important to expand you rib cage as much as possible. At the same time you will raise your shoulders to help your inhalation. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.

After 10 seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth. The exhalation should be done slowly, and take about 5 seconds. The body detoxifies it’s self during exhalation. The Sport-Breath should be preformed 5 times.

The Sport-Breath is a very simple exercise. But remember not to over look simplicity. This type of breathing is the secret power behind many golfers, martial artists, weight lifters, basketball players, etc. I recommend the Sport-Breath be performed 2 times daily for the rest of your life.

You must breath in about 18-22 ounces of air to get 1 ounce of air into your blood stream. Diaphragmatic breathing relaxes our emotions, and lets go of tension. The Sport-Breath strengthens abdominal, and intestinal muscles. This will in turn take pressure off the low-back region. While being a Chiropractor – I can really appreciate this exercise. Do it regularly, and it may keep you out of my office.
After a deep breathing session you will have better mental concentration. This in retrospect will increase your ability to create mental images. The more you use this exercise, the more efficient your body and mind will perform.


  1. Really great article on breathing. I'm sure most of us are not breathing properly!Thanks for the heads up!!

  2. You are very welcome! Thank you for reading my article.
