Friday, July 31, 2009

Is Inflammation Bad?

The inflammatory process, the way nature heals injuries, is the body’s mustering system. It is a three-component process. The blood brings white blood cells to the injury to fight off infection and clean up dead tissue. Nutrient building blocks assemble to rebuild the weakened tissue. New blood vessels form to bring increased amounts of blood with oxygen.

Inflammation is a vital process, but sometimes chronic inflammation can be self-defeating. It overinflames. Chronic tendonitis is an example of overinflammation.

Source: Sports Health

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Should a Sports Injury Be Treated Immediately By a Doctor?

The moment you feel some body part pull, sprain, strain, or break, start RICE, a four-part first-aid program for sports injuries. Do not wait for a doctor’s okay.

R is for rest. If you continue exercise and other activities, you may extend the injury. I stands for ice, which is strong medication. Ice shrinks the torn blood vessels. The more blood that collects in a wound, the longer it takes to heal. C is for compression, which limits swelling. If uncontrolled, swelling retards healing. E is for elevation. Elevating the injured part above the level of the heart uses gravity to help drain excess fluid. Because swelling usually starts within seconds, start RICE as soon as possible.

Rushing to a doctor’s office does not mean that you will be treated immediately. If you have been to a doctor’s office recently, you know what I mean. Emergency rooms, where about one-third of sports injuries are treated, are even more crowded. Patients with sports injuries tell me that they have waited four hours to be examined by a doctor. Waiting can aggravate the problem.

Source: Sports Health

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Will a Back Corset Weaken Your Back Muscles?

Patients ask this question over and over. I often prescribe a back corset for people who have low back problems. It is a sound medical principle to use an external back support. It is the same as taping a sprained ankle or using a knee brace.

By returning to sports competition after back trouble, you will use the muscles of your back and abdomen more vigorously than if you do nothing. Even with the brace on, your muscles will become stronger. Realistically the back brace should be considered a way to build up the back muscles. It is not the enemy; it is a friend. It will not lead to weakening of your back muscles!

Source: Sports Health

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Do’s and Don’ts for Dealing With a Picky Eater Part II

Do: Keep an eye on the clock. No juice and snacks for at least one hour before meals. If your child comes to the table hungry, they may be more inclined to eat.

Don’t: Forget about the routine. Serve meals and snacks at about the same times every day. If the kitchen is “closed” at other times, your child may be more likely to eat what’s served when it’s served.

Do: Limit liquid calories. Low-fat or fat-free dairy products and 100 percent fruit juice can be important parts of a healthy diet, but too much may make your child too full for meals or snacks.

Don’t: Offer dessert as a reward. Withholding dessert sends the message that dessert is the best food, which may only increase your child’s desire for sweets.

Do: Set a good example. If you eat a wide variety of healthy foods, your child will be more likely to follow your example.

Don’t: Expect all their food preferences to change. As kids mature, they tend to become less picky about food. Still, everyone has food preferences. Don’t expect your child to like everything.

Do: Minimize distractions, turn off the television during meals, and don’t allow books or toys at the table.

Don’t: Follow convention. If your child isn’t a fan of various ingredients thrown together, “unmix” the food. Place sandwich fixings outside the bread, or serve the ingredients of a salad, casserole or stir-fry separately. As long as they eat it, that’s what matters.

Source: To Your Health

Monday, July 27, 2009

Do’s and Don’ts for Dealing With a Picky Eater Part I

Do: Respect your child’s hunger or lack thereof. Young children tend to eat only when they’re hungry. Don’t force food on them when they’re not ready for it.

Don’t: Be patient when introducing new foods. Young children often touch or smell new foods, and may even put tiny bits in their mouths and then take them back out again. They may need repeated exposure to a new food before they take their first real bite.

Do: Make it fun. Serve veggies with a favorite dip or sauce. Cut foods into various shapes with cookie cutters to increase their appeal.

Don’t: Expect too much. After age 2, slower growth often reduces a child’s appetite. A few bites may be all it takes to feel full.

Do: Stay calm. If your child senses you’re unhappy with their eating habits, it may turn into a battle of wills. Threats and punishments only reinforce the power struggle.

Don’t: Mandate the “clean-plate club.” Don’t force your child to finish all the food on their plate. Again, this may facilitate a power struggle. Allow your child to stop eating when they’re full.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

3 Ways to Fight Fatigue

1. Get a move-on

While it may seem a bit counterintuitive, moderate physical activity actually increases your energy levels. Even something as simple as a brisk walk around the block can be enough to get you out of your couch potato doldrums. In fact, fatigue can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle; the less you move, the more tired you are, particularly when movement is required.

2. Chow Down

Eating the right kinds of food at the right intervals is vital to maximizing energy throughout the day. It all starts with a balanced breakfast, followed by small meals and snacks every two to three hours. Choose low-fat, complex carbohydrates to fuel your body, and avoid foods that can deplete energy stores; sugar and caffeine, though temporary boosts, will sap energy quickly.

3. Stay Balanced

Stress, anger and other types of negative energy can lead to profound fatigue, particularly if you’re losing sleep over it. Obsessing over an irritating co-worker or a personal financial crisis will do little to solve anything, but it definitely will expend valuable mental and physical energy. Whenever you’re stressed or angry, find ways to stay balanced and let it all out productively.

Source: To Your Health

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Battle aging with vitamin D

A few minutes of daily sunlight can help your body make much of the vitamin D it needs. Is that bad for your skin as you age? Not if you don’t overdo it, many experts say, and the payoff could be huge. More than half of all women are thought to be deficient in vitamin D, and the latest evidence from John Hopkins University confirms that failing to get enough boosts your risk of death by 26 percent. That’s why it’s probably worth getting your levels checked with a simple blood test. If you’re low, eat more D-rich foods: dairy, fish like salmon and tuna, and fortified cereals and orange juice. Talk to your doctor about supplements, too.

Source: Health Magazine

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Patient Testimonial Of Dr. Bob Moulas

Pete Baca has been a patient of mine for over 11 years. I wanted to share with you all his story and amazing results.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Low Back Pain: One Symptom, Many Causes

· Strenuous activity, overuse or improper use (repetitive or heavy lifting, vibration, pressure, etc.)

· Physical trauma, injury or fracture

· Obesity (often caused by increased weight on the spine and pressure on the spinal discs)

· Protruding or herniated (slipped) disk

· Tightness, spasm, injury and strain of back muscles

· Joint problems (e.g., spinal stenosis - narrowing of the spinal canal, which compresses the spinal cord and the nerve roots)

· Poor muscle tone in the core or stabilizing muscles of the back

Source: Dr. Wong

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saving Money With Chiropractic

Forty-eight million Americans no longer have health insurance, and those who do have found that their benefits are reduced. That’s where chiropractic comes in. Many people find that they actually save money on their health care expenses by seeing a chiropractor. Another way to save…studies show that chiropractic may double your immune capacity, naturally and without drugs. The immune system fights colds, the flu, and other sicknesses. So you may not be running off to the doctor as much. This is especially important if you are self-employed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chiropractor and Strongman

Joe Greenstein was a chiropractor and strongman in New York. He also worked vaudeville, and made a living as a pitchman. His main focus was on living a healthy and happy life. His stage name was The Mighty Atom, and here is his formula for health:


· Moderation. Do not overload your stomach. It is not a garbage can.

· Forget the clock. Eat one or a half dozen small meals a day…but only when you are hungry.

· Fast at least once a week. Rest your bodily machinery and double its life.

· Drink pure water in sufficient amounts.


Constipating, mucus-producing foods, sugar and bleached flour products, greasy and junk foods;

The heart-killers: fatty foods, consumption of red meats and egg yolks to excess;

Fats, sugar, and bleached-flour products, salt, coffee, tea, preservatives, and denatured foods.


A generous daily diet of raw fruits and vegetables which have been well washed;

Nonfat dairy products, fish, poultry, any red meat should be lean;

A daily amount of roughage for sound digestion: raw fruits and stalk vegetables, whole grains, bran.

· Move your bowels at least once a day.

· Use a good vitamin supplement.

· Daily exercise after a warm-up. Slow, steady progress.

Source: The spiritual Journey of Joseph l. Greenstein

Monday, July 20, 2009

Spinal Decompression – A Safe Treatment For Back Pain

Spinal decompression is a proven and safe way to restore neck and back health. Post surgical patients are also reporting that spinal decompression has been very helpful.

Spinal decompression helps the body repair the damaged discs. Experts believe the nutrients and fluids are pulled into the disc during treatment. This helps the disc repair itself, and the end result is a drastic decrease in pain.

The following is a patient testimony...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sharing Good News About Chiropractic

Toronto Star highlights three Canadian chiropractors participating in ongoing research, hospital affiliations.

The May 29 edition of the Toronto Star featured a “Special Report on Chiropractors” that presented almost a full tabloid page of information. Positively titled “Back to the Future” – in stark contrast to many other media accounts of chiropractic in recent years, including the March 2009 ABC Nightline expose` on pediatric chiropractic, “Crack: Kids Head to the Chiropractor” – the article examines chiropractic in “academic research and collaborative practice” and positively portrays the profession and its role in present and future health care. And there’s none of the “chiropractic may be dangerous” or “research is needed” slant frequency seen in media pieces on chiropractic.

Source: The Nightline report

Saturday, July 18, 2009

6 steps to efficient running LEARN TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR RUN

1. Run Tall

Gravity and weak core muscles cause many runners to “fold” in the middle when their feet land.

2. Relax

Tension in your arms, shoulders, neck, and face reduces efficiency.

3. Breathe right

Your breathing should be rhythmic and deep, and you should feel your diaphragm, not your chest, doing the work.

4. Land on

A heel-first landing is a brake. It means you’re extending your leg out too far in front of your center of gravity, so it takes more energy to move forward. And it’s shaky, so your muscles are working on stabilization instead of forward motion.

5. Run softly

The louder your footfalls, the less efficiently you’re running. Try running more quietly; you’ll be unconsciously switching to a midfoot strike and a shorter, quicker stride.

6. Swing

Check your form on a treadmill in front of a mirror. If one arm is bent more than the other or swings more, you have a musculoskeletal imbalance that can slow you down.

Source: OC Health

Friday, July 17, 2009

3 Ways to Sleep Soundly

1. Stick To A Routine

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, conditioning your body to sleep at a certain time (and for a certain length of time) increases your chances of falling asleep quickly and waking up refreshed. Developing an evening ritual is also important in this regard. Set the stage for quality sleep with a warm bath, a good book or soft music.

2. Light And Darkness

Sunlight helps regulate your circadian clock, the body’s 24-hour cycle, and also stimulates the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep cycle. On the other hand, when you’re preparing for sleep, it’s vital to limit sources of light that can make it harder to doze off. That means pulling the shades, turning off all the lights and shutting doors.

3. Don’t Drink, Don’t Smoke

There are countless reasons not to do either of the above, but in terms of sleep, drinking alcohol and smoking can have profound negative consequences. You may think alcohol will help you fall asleep, but it won’t keep you asleep, not after it’s metabolized. And nicotine is a stimulant – perfect for keeping you awake all night long.

Source: To Your Health

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eleanor’s Chiropractic Experience

I first injured my back 20 years ago and I’ve been having back trouble off and on ever since. The last four years I’d been having muscle spasms in my back which became more frequent and progressively worse. I had constant headaches and was irritable, nervous, tired and depressed, and I had not had my period for the last four years. An orthopedic doctor I had been seeing recommended surgery but couldn’t guarantee it would help.

Because I’m a nurse, I rejected the idea of going to a chiropractor. Instead, I just suffered, spending several days in bed with pain killers, a taped-up back and a heating pad. Finally, I was in constant pain and couldn’t take it any more. One day several friends told me of the help they’d received from their chiropractor, so I made an appointment to see him that very day. That’s when I had my miracle.

After my first adjustment, I left the office and got in my car to leave. Without any warning I started my menstrual cycle. This may sound incredible but that’s what happened. I no longer have muscle spasms or back pain. I’m doing things I haven’t done in years. I don’t take pain killers or tranquilizers since I started my adjustments. I really enjoy living again! I hope someday chiropractors work as an integral part of the medical profession.

Source: Chiropractic First

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Top Eight Worst Foods

1. Potato chips. One ounce of potato chips has 152 calories and 10 grams of fat (3 grams of which are artery-clogging saturated fat.)

2. Non-Dairy Topping. Tasty as they are, these toppings are mostly corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil.

3. Doughnuts. White flour, vegetable shortening, white sugar, deep fried. Need we say more? One glazed Krispy Kreme packs 200 calories and 12 grams of fat.

4. Fettuccine Alfredo. A three-ounce serving has 543 calories and 33 grams of fat (19 of which are saturated).

5. Sausages. Most of us have never met a sausage we didn’t like. Unfortunately, a single pork sausage link packs 217 calories and 19.5 grams of fat.

6. Fried Chicken. A fried chicken breast has nearly 400 calories and 22 grams of fat.

7. Cheese in a Can. Two tablespoons – about the amount you’d put on two crackers – pumps in 276 calories and 21 grams of fat (13 grams of which are saturated).

8. French Fries. One large order (six ounces) of fast food fries has 570 calories, half of which are from fat.

Source: OC Health

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Correct Position For A Car Headrest Is Even With The Head

Most people never bother to adjust the headrest. They just leave it the way it came when they bought the car.

The correct position for a headrest is even with the head and no more than two inches behind the center of the back of the head. If the headrest is too low (behind the neck), the force of an accident could bend the head back over the headrest, causing serious injury to the cervical (neck) area.

Occupants of a car should not recline their seats while the car is in motion because it increases the distance between the head and the restraint, and in addition, puts the occupant in a more hazardous position should an accident occur.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fear and Chiropractic?

What are you afraid of? What moves you out of your comfort zone? For some it might be the fear of heights, the sight of clowns, or maybe a visit to the Chiropractor?

Wait a minute? Aren’t those Chiropractor guys – Doctors? Yes, actually they are! A Chiropractor’s education is similar in length to that of a M.D., about 7-8 years. They must pass State and National Board exams, before earning the title “Doctor of Chiropractic.”

O.K., we now know that they are Doctors. But I heard that the treatments can cause strokes? This is referred to as a Cerebral Vascular Accident. It occurs about once every 6-8 million treatments. In the United States, about 100,000 people die every year from medicine prescribed from their M.D. C.V.A. is not something to be taken lightly, but a very thorough exam performed by your chiropractor can rule out those that are at risk for a stroke.

I heard that the treatments can be painful? A light precise Chiropractic adjustment generally is pain free. There are cases when inflammation and muscle spasms are present. This is where most chiropractors will do some type of therapy to help loosen up the area, before an adjustment is performed.

In our Chiropractic Clinic we provide Instrument Adjustments. This is a hand held apparatus that is very light in thrust, but it works as well as a hand done adjustment. With instrument adjustments you don’t hear the popping sound that is typical of a hands on treatment. They both work great, and it gets down to your personal preference.

Isn’t it true that once you start treating with a Chiropractor that you always have to keep treating? Chiropractic care can be equated to working out. Once you get in shape, it is not a good idea to quit. Why, because all your gains will slowly go away. After your spine has been stabilized, your chiropractor will put you on a maintenance type schedule to help keep you in an optimal state of health. This is usually a spinal check up about every 4-6 weeks. Keeping the spine in proper alignment can help prevent many age related mishaps. Remember – the nervous system controls every function in your body. Chiropractors are Doctors of the nervous system.

How can I find a Chiropractor that I will be comfortable with? Ask around – talk to friends, neighbors, family members, that are very happy with their Chiropractor. The internet is great, because you can find out all the information you want! We provide a FREE first time consultation. You can meet the Doctor, see the office, and meet the staff. Our office is open, no little windows to slide information into! We will discuss your needs, and I will internalize all your info, and do my “Best” to create a Health Regiment that will help you reach all your health goals. I realize this is a very personal and important decision in your life! I have been a Chiropractor for 24 years, and I still have patients from my first day. I will not take your health lightly!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


There is ample research documenting the intimate connection between the spinal column, nervous system and asthma. As early as 1921 Henry Winsor, M.D. performed autopsies on 70 people that had respiratory diseases. He found spinal abnormalities (subluxations) associated with breathing in all 70 cases.

A major study was conducted comparing spinal adjustments with conventional medications, such as bronchodilators and corticosteroids, and found improved respirator functions and neck mobility after spinal adjustments.

This makes a strong case for asthmatics and those suffering from other chronic lung conditions such as bronchitis and emphysema to ensure that their lungs and bronchi are receiving an uninterrupted nerve supply. Only chiropractic offers a way of freeing people from spinal nerve interference.

Source: Excerpt from the book For the Love of Children

Friday, July 10, 2009

Alcohol And Athletes

Chugging a mug of beer before arm-wrestling may be a favorite scene in macho mythology, but the practice of drinking alcoholic beverages before an athletic competition is counterproductive and dangerous.

It’s true that an initial small amount of alcohol taken just prior to competition, may slightly increase muscular endurance and exert a deinhibitory effect on strength output. But after the first twenty minutes or so, it’s all down hill.

The negative effects associated with alcohol use over a prolonged period would, like smoking, totally outweigh its possible benefits to athletic performance.

The worse news for athletes is that alcohol reduces reaction time, strength and skill, according to studies. And alcohol functions as a mental depressant, after first eliciting a stimulative effect on certain brain centers.

Alcohol increases heat loss via vasodilation of subcutaneous blood vessels. This means an athlete could get cold muscles while exercising under the influence.

Even though alcohol is rapidly absorbed and provides 7 calories per gram, it is a poor source of energy. Alcohol in excessive quantities can lead to nutritional deficiencies resulting in overall systematic effects, including potential mental deterioration.

Alcohol is poisonous to the liver, predisposing an individual to fatty liver and cirrhosis.

Finally, alcohol effectively blocks gluconeogenesis, thus potentially leading to severe hypoglycemic states.

So athletes are well advised to lay off the liquor prior to and during working out and competing.

Source: Ergogenesis

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Needing surgery?

The New England Journal of Medicine reported that surgery is overused for the treatment of back pain!

If you or someone you know is suffering from back pain, don’t rush off to get surgery. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that surgery is overused for the treatment of back pain! In fact, the rate of all types of back surgery is more than 40% higher in the US than in any other country.

Furthermore, it should be noted that surgery does not always improve the outcome and in some cases can even make the condition worse.

There is considerable evidence supporting the use of conservative, non-surgical treatments for back pain. Consult with your Doctor of Chiropractic to see if conservative care to correct the cause of your lower back pain is an appropriate option for you.

Resource: Deyo R, Weinstein J, et al. Low back pain. The New Eng J. of Med

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chiropractic Wellness

Chiropractic health care is a branch of the healing arts based on the scientific fact that our nervous system controls or influences the function of every cell in our body. Interference to the nervous system (caused by the vertebral subluxation complex) will effect how the nervous system relates to the cells to which it travels.

The term “Chiropractic” comes from the Greek words “cheiro and praktikos” meaning “done by hand.” The Chiropractic model of health is centered on the philosophy that the human body, being knit together in a wonderful way, will heal itself given the right opportunity and circumstances. Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) essentially promote the healing process by minimizing nerve interference.

Source: Chiropractic Wellness

Monday, July 6, 2009

Why Does My Back Ache?

US Department of Labor estimates that 100 million workdays per year are lost due to low back pain!

Carrying the kids on your shoulders, cleaning the floors, lifting groceries out of the car, or a little extra up front, (that’s the pendulous abdominal syndrome). Lifting, bending and twisting, or worse yet, sitting all day at work. Add this to a slip and fall or a previous car accident and it’s not difficult to understand why studies show that approximately 80% of Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some time in their life. Many times back pain begins after just bending over to pick up a pencil. Now, it’s not the pencil causing your back pain, but rather your lower back’s structure (meaning the muscles, joints, discs, and vertebrae) has lost its normal functioning, and therefore could not provide the necessary support to your spine. Doctors of Chiropractic specialize in finding the cause of your lower back pain. Combining spinal adjustments with proper exercises and stretches, and a well balanced diet are the keys to reducing or eliminating your lower back pain. Doctors of Chiropractic are the specialists in treating lower back pain!

Resource: Cassidy, J.D., et al, “Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Low-Back Pain.”

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Winifred Gardella’s Chiropractic Miracle

In the early 1950’s Winifred Gardella was a poster child for the March of Dimes. Her picture was published in the newspapers to raise huge sums of money for the March of Dimes in San Francisco. Nationally, her image raised millions of dollars to help fight the dreaded crippler, polio. Her sad, innocent face and her tiny body supported on crutches and leg braces, made many Americans reach into their pockets to donate.

But the March of Dimes couldn’t help Winifred. After two and a half years under their doctor’s expert care, her parents were told: “There is no hope.”

Despite this dire prediction, her grandparents were determined to find a cure. They were not about to accept the opinion of so-called “medical experts.” They decided to choose their own health care and they took Winifred to Dr. Lewis Robertson, a chiropractor. In less than six months of having her nerve interference corrected, Winifred Gardella threw away her crutches and braces and went for a walk with her chiropractor. She has been walking ever since!

Source: Chiropractic First

Saturday, July 4, 2009


I am a Chiropractor working with the sciences of the universe by turning on the life in man thru the art of the adjustment. I do not prescribe, treat or diagnose conditions. I use only my hands. I work with that “mysterious something” which created my body from two cells.

At a time prescribed aeons ago I was set in this body to experience. That cosmic power which created me, which also moves the seas, rotates the earth, directs the heavens, gives life, takes it away, is everything. And that power which set the universe in motion and created me did not abandon me when I became free of the security of my earthly mother’s womb. It is still with me and protects me as it moves all forms toward their final predestined goal.

It is not mine to educatedly ask “why” or “where,” but to innately live; and live to help my fellow creatures. And with this Chiropractic adjustment I use all the powers and energies moving this universe, to allow my fellow creatures the chance to live, free of dis-ease.

I wish nothing in return, only the chance to GIVE. I give with the only thing I have, LOVE. And I love all by removing that which interferes with 100% of LIFE. I do not look to others for direction, I look within. I am a perfect expression of God living 24 hours each day for others – I am a PRINCIPLED CHIROPRACTOR.

B.J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.

Friday, July 3, 2009


We chiropractors work with the subtle substance of the soul. We release the prisoned impulses, a tiny rivulet of force that emanates from the mind and flows over the nerves to the cells and stirs them to life. We deal with the magic power that transforms common food into living, loving, thinking clay; that robes the earth with beauty, and hues and scents the flowers with the glory of the air.

In the dim, dark distant long ago, when the sun first bowed to the morning star, this power spoke and there was life, it quickened the slime of the sea and the dust of the earth and drove the cell to union with its fellows in countless living forms. Through eons of time it finned the fish and winged the bird and fanged the beast. Endlessly it worked, evolving its forms until it produced the crowning glory of them all. With tireless energy it blows the bubble of each individual life and then silently, relentlessly dissolves the form and absorbs the spirit into itself again.

And yet you ask “Can chiropractic cure appendicitis or the flu?” Have you more faith in a knife or a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world?

By B.J. Palmer, D.C. Ph.C

Thursday, July 2, 2009

How Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics that stimulates the body’s vital forces to help eliminate disease. In this way it is much like the theory of chiropractic therapeutics. The body will manifest symptoms of a disorder as a mechanism to express disease. Many times the symptoms will help mobilize the body’s defense mechanisms as in the example of fever increasing the efficiency of immunocompetant white blood cells. Chiropractic, homeopathy, and Chinese medicine share a holistic view and definition of disease. When the body cannot reorganize and right itself (maintain homeostasis, negative feedback mechanisms, etc,) because there is a block in the vital forces (nerve interference, subluxation, lack of qi, block in a meridian), disease will persist. In homeopathy, the symptoms of the illness are matched to those known to be associated with a specific remedy; that is, symptoms the remedy would cause in higher or toxic doses. The remedy provides a signal to the body to stimulate and reorganize the vital forces toward the symptoms that need to be neutralized. The remedy used matches the symptom picture including the physical, mental, and emotional qualities of the illness, thus like cures like. This is called the Law of Similars. According to the principles of homeopathy, a single remedy in the smallest possible dose is used. The list of remedies can be of vegetable, animal, or mineral origin, and each is specially prepared or diluted by a process that amplifies or “potentizes” the therapeutic effect on the body. Micro doses usually significantly below one part per million are used and thus homeopathic remedies are totally non-toxic.

Source: Clinical Management of Children

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jonathan’s Chiropractic Experience

My problem began quite unexpectedly. I bent down one day but couldn’t stand straight again. At 57, I’m very active. I play a lot of tennis, and my job as a mechanic at McDonnell-Douglas requires me to bend and twist in some awkward positions, especially when I have to squeeze through the small openings in some of the jets I work on.

Five days after the problem began I was still suffering agonizing low back pain. I wasn’t able to do anything.

I took the recommendations of several friends and went to see a doctor of chiropractic who took x-rays. I was told that the problem was in my spine; and the doctors explained the spine’s direct relation to my general health.

When I came to the chiropractor, I couldn’t even reach my knees with my hands. Now I can touch my toes without bending my knees, which I haven’t been able to do for more years than I can remember. I can’t thank my chiropractor enough.

Source: Chiropractic First