Sunday, July 26, 2009

3 Ways to Fight Fatigue

1. Get a move-on

While it may seem a bit counterintuitive, moderate physical activity actually increases your energy levels. Even something as simple as a brisk walk around the block can be enough to get you out of your couch potato doldrums. In fact, fatigue can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle; the less you move, the more tired you are, particularly when movement is required.

2. Chow Down

Eating the right kinds of food at the right intervals is vital to maximizing energy throughout the day. It all starts with a balanced breakfast, followed by small meals and snacks every two to three hours. Choose low-fat, complex carbohydrates to fuel your body, and avoid foods that can deplete energy stores; sugar and caffeine, though temporary boosts, will sap energy quickly.

3. Stay Balanced

Stress, anger and other types of negative energy can lead to profound fatigue, particularly if you’re losing sleep over it. Obsessing over an irritating co-worker or a personal financial crisis will do little to solve anything, but it definitely will expend valuable mental and physical energy. Whenever you’re stressed or angry, find ways to stay balanced and let it all out productively.

Source: To Your Health


  1. This is very good. You have to use energy to make energy!I also heard that caffeine can dehydrate you,is this true? We do have to just let things go and not worry so much about things that we can't do anything about! Good info again! thanks Dr. Bob

  2. Hi Sue,
    Yes, caffeine can dehydrate you among other things. Live and let live.Ha! Life was meant to be simple. Sounds as if you have a handle on things! Keep up the good work.

    Dr. Bob Moulas

  3. Dr. Bob,

    Great information especially with today's busy life styles. I like the idea of snacks every few hours rather than a heavy meal.

    My favorite snack food are bananas! They seem to fill me up at the same time are delicious.

    Thanks for your informative post!

    Pete Baca
    The Car Enthusiast Online

  4. Hi Pete,
    Small meals are the way to eat. It keeps your metabolism running at an optimal level. Large meals slow you down, and actually make you tired. Bananas are good in moderation.
    Thank you,
    Dr. Bob Moulas
