Monday, June 1, 2009

How To Travel In The Desert

1. Avoid the midday sun: travel only in the evening, at night, or in the early morning.

2. Avoid loose sand and rough terrain: they will increase fatigue.

3. Objects always appear closer than they really are in the desert.

4. In sandstorms, lie on your side with your back to the wind, cover your face and sleep through the storm.

5. Multiply all your distance by three.


  1. I will remember this the next time I am in the desert! Thank you

  2. Candy,
    If it happens, you will be prepared. Safe traveling to you.


    Dr. Bob Feel Good

  3. Great info, considering we basically live in a desert.

  4. Sue,
    The desert can be a confusing place if you are not prepared. I have spent alot of time in the desert, and I am very careful on how I negotiate the terrian.
    Dr. Moulas
