Friday, June 19, 2009

Chiropractors Perform Most Manipulative Procedures

If your spine is out of alignment, there is a 90% chance that it will be corrected by a Chiropractor. The correction procedure is called an adjustment. The adjustment is performed to help realign joints of the body, and this in turn restores normal nerve flow. All parts of the body are controlled through the nervous system.

Doctors of Chiropractic spend many years perfecting the Art and Science of spinal adjustments, and that is why the majority of spinal realignments are performed by chiropractors.


  1. I used to be in so much neck pain, I don't know how I functioned day to day! Now I keep my adjustments current and I feel so much better! thanks Dr. Bob, couldn't live without ya!

  2. Whats the best way to find a good chiropractor

  3. Thanks Sue,
    Keep getting those adjustments, and I will be happy. I don't like having neck pain either.

    Take care,

    Dr. Moulas

  4. Hi Loan Guy,
    Word of mouth is the best way. When someone is happy with their chiropractor, they tell the world.

    Best of luck to you,

    Dr. Moulas

  5. I think people fear the unknown...if they only knew how good an adjustment was, they wouldn't ever stop going!

  6. Candy,
    The fear of the unknown? I hope we can change that with chiropractic care! What do you think??


    Dr. Moulas
