Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dr. Moulas on Chiropractic Misconceptions Part III

Do I have to keep going to the chiropractor for the rest of my life? This is a common question I field in my clinic.

Chiropractic treatments are like orthodontics of the spine. With repeated treatments the spine is trained to stay in alignment, and keep pressure off the nervous system. Time is required for braces to hold the teeth in place. Everyone’s condition is different, and once the spine has been corrected, it can be maintained by being checked by a chiropractor about every 4-6 weeks.

It is like an exercise program. Can you quit exercising after you get in good shape?


  1. Like I have said over and over and over again, I could not function without my chiropractor!!! Thanks again, Dr. Bob

  2. Thanks Sue,
    You have adapted a very healthy lifestyle. Chiropractic is powerful, and can be the main staple in a new health regiment.
    Keep up the good work,
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  3. I love your straight forward analogy. It makes sense and holds true for most things in life.

  4. Loan Guy,
    I try to tell it as it is! Life is pretty much a balance between chemicals and energy forces.

    Please come back,

    Dr. Moulas

  5. Like I have told my friends about't like getting the oil changed in your car!

  6. Candy,
    Ha,Ha!!! Good thought process. However things click for you. Regular chiropractic adjustments will improve your health.


    Dr. Moulas
