Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Chiropractic and Ear Infections

Have you ever been awakened in the middle of the night by a sobbing child in pain with an ear infection?

Ear infections usually cause a fever in excess of 102 degrees. Pediatricians treat ear infections with antibiotics most of the time.

One case study involving over 4,000 children, found that spinal motion restricted in the upper neck induced ear infections.

Chiropractors do not treat ear infections, but if your child is getting chronic ear infections, they may have nerve interference. This condition can be relieved by a chiropractic adjustment.


  1. Is it common for adults to get ear infections? I heard it wasn't.

  2. Anonymous,
    You are right in most cases. Ear infections are no fun, and should be given immediate attention.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Bob Feel Good

  3. Ear aches are no fun! Just going through it.Good info Dr. Bob

  4. Dr. Bob,

    Thanks for the information! But, I thought that ear infections were some type of virus or bacteria!

    Pete Baca
    The Car Enthusiast Online

  5. Hi Sue,
    Sorry to hear about your ear ache. We put warm salt water in the ear 3 times per day for 7 days. Works very well.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Bob Feel Good

  6. Hi Pete,
    Bacteria,etc. can multiply in the ears and cause problems. It is smart to keep the ears in great shape.

    Thanks for the visit,

    Dr. Moulas

  7. Dr. Bob,
    Getting your ear adjusted by a chiropractor does wonders when you are experiencing ear problems. Thanks for the info Doc.

    Bobby B.

  8. Hi Bobby,
    We see great results with ear disorders. Glad to see that chiropractic is helping you stay healthy.
    Thanks for the visit,

    Dr. Bob Feel Good

  9. Is this common in older people as well.Should I consult my chiropractor about this

  10. What do you recommend to do at the time your ears just starts to hurt?

  11. Candy,
    See your chiropractor or M.D. right away. Some people put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in their ears 3 times per day.


    Dr. Bob Moulas

  12. Hi Loan Guy,
    It is a good idea to check with your chiropractor or medical doctor if you have any issues with your ears. Sooner then later.
    Dr. Bob Moulas
