Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ear Infections Part I

Most parents have been awakened in the night by a crying child that has an ear infection. This condition is painful, and is called acute otitis media. Body temperatures soar to 102-104 and fluid discharges from the ear.

Most pediatricians will treat ear infections with antibiotics or decongestants. In severe, chronic cases, tubes are put into the ears to help with drainage. This type of treatment has many side effects. One side effect is the formation of scar tissue, that can lead to future hearing loss.

When antibiotics are given for ear infection, they are seldomly effective. In many cases, recurrent rates were increased in children that had antibiotic care.


  1. i do not like it when my ears hurt, keep them flushed out with salt water......it works!!!!! thanks for the posts Dr. Bob.

  2. What can a parent do if they can't get into the dr until the next day?

  3. Is it helpful to put a hot compress on the ear?

  4. Hi Sue,
    Warm salt water is a great way to keep your ears healthy. Keep me posted on your progress.
    Thank you,
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  5. Candy,
    Hydrogen peroxide is a natural way to treat ear infections. The old ways are sometimes the best way! Always consult a Doctor if in doubt.
    Thank you,
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  6. Danielle,
    Hot compresses can help improve circulation to the ear. Not to be done in case of an infection though.
    We only have two ears, so we must exercise caution if in doubt.
    Dr. Bob Moulas
