Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chiropractic For Children

Chiropractors often encounter parents who recognize the importance of regular check-ups for their child’s teeth, eyes, and hearing, but draw a total blank when it comes to a spinal check-up.

A spinal check-up could possibly be the most important check-up your child will ever have!

The spine is the life line of the body and helps protect the integrity of the nervous system.

An infant’s spine may sustain serious damage during child birth. Forceps and similar devices are used to pull a baby through the birth canal. Babies were meant to be pushed out of the birth canal not pulled out. The vertebrae of the baby’s spine may become misaligned and put pressure on the nervous system. That may be the reason why infants cry so frequently!

Shaking a young toddler may cause various whiplash injuries to the spine.

Children are expected to grow up and be very physical. Running and jumping and various slips and falls are a part of the growing up process. The spine can be adversely affected and have serious after effects. The concerned parent should have their child’s spine checked often during the growing years.

A remarkable study performed by pediatricians showed that children under Chiropractic care had superior health compared to children brought up under basic medical care. These Chiropractic children suffered fewer ear infections, fewer allergies, and fewer cases of tonsillitis.


  1. Dr. Bob,
    I firmly believe in chiropractic for everyone! I know my parents took me since i was born! Thanks for the great info!

    -Bobby B

  2. I liked your Dec. 27th entry about why you blog.
    That is interesting how health even for children can be improved through chiropractic work.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Bobby,
    Your parents were very educated on staying healthy, and builing future health habits. Keep up the good work.
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  4. Hi Tom,
    Thank you for the kind words. The spine is the lifeline of the body, Keep it tuned up, and you will last a long time.
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  5. Hi Tom, do you get you children adjusted on a regular basis? Alot of parents overlook the kids!
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  6. Hi Bobby,
    Are you still getting the kids adjusted regularly? Keep up the good work , and come back to my post soon.
    Dr. Bob Moulas
