Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Auto-Relaxation Conditioning

The purpose of Auto-Relaxation Conditioning (A.R.C.) is to relax the nervous system. This is accomplished when the body secrets the hormone nor epinephrine. This hormone has a profound effect on muscle relaxation. When in a deep state of A.R.C., the muscles are relaxed, and the flow of electrical charges to the brain is greatly diminished. When a golfer becomes angry, i.e. hitting your ball into a sand trap. The muscles will tighten up, and overload the brain with electrical impulses. This creates tension in the body, and can dramatically affect our next shot. Worse yet, it can ruin your whole game. Anyone for shooting in the 150’s?

A.R.C. is commonly referred to as mental or psychological gymnastics. It can help rid ourselves of counter productive emotions that may plague us in competitive situations.

To become a master of A.R.C. will take approximately 3 months. Take your time learning this skill because it will set the foundation for learning the techniques of Golf Synergy. In as little as 3 sessions you will notice pleasant changes in your body and mind. Your concentration will become more focused. Don’t force yourself to relax, because this can create negative images within your subconscious mind.

Check List for A.R.C.

1. Practice in the beginning in a dark room.
2. May be performed while lying down, seated, or in a reclined position.
3. Loosen clothes, and remove shoes.
4. You may listen to soft music if desired.
5. Perform Auto-Breath 3 times.
6. Now make a fist with the right hand while saying the word “Relax” now relax your hand.
7. Say the following to yourself: My face is relaxing every wrinkle is being smoothed out. My jaw is relaxed. Repeat 2 times.
8. Both my arms and hands are becoming heavy and warm. Repeat 2 times.
9. My shoulders and upper back are slumped and relaxed. Repeat 2 times.
10. My chest feels relaxed, and my heartbeat is
steady and calm. Repeat 2 times.
11. My stomach and low-back feel warm and soft.
Repeat 3 times.
12. My legs and feet are becoming heavy and warm.
Repeat 3 times.
13. Repeat to yourself that you feel very calm and
14. Feel, as things appear to be moving in slow
motion. Don’t try to control your thoughts. Just
let them float by like clouds in the sky.
15. Be careful not to fall asleep at this stage.
16. Continue in this state for about 10-15 minutes. Always have a quiet clock in eyesight!
17. At the conclusion of you’re A.R.C. open your eyes and make a fist with your left hand while saying the word “GO” now relax your hand.
18. Now sit up slowly, and do some light stretching exercises. They will help wake up our body. You will feel as if you have taken a nice long nap. You are now ready to continue on with your day.
19. Practice A.R.C. everyday for 2 weeks. Then change your practice to 1 time per day, 3 days per week.


  1. OoooOO I like this thank you for the tip.

  2. Hello AlmightyHeidi,
    Glad you enjoyed the auto cond. training post.
    It works very well, but must be performed regularly.
    Good luck, and come back again.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Bob Moulas
