Sunday, December 6, 2009

Auto-Focus Conditioning

When on the golf course it is not uncommon to encounter many distractions. They come in the form of people talking loudly, airplanes, large trees, etc. It is imperative to develop the ability to focus, and block out all undesirable stimuli. You cannot pay attention to more then one thing at a time. Winners are able to focus all their attention on a single goal for a long period of time. Remember the following equation: Control of attention = control of focus. If you are not in control of your focus you are not in control of your golf game.

The following drill will help you learn how to develop the power of focus. Before beginning this drill, perform the Auto-Breath 3 times. Then relax your body through Auto-Relaxation. In time you will be able to reach full relaxation in 2-5 minutes.

Auto-Focus Drill

The purpose of this drill is to train our conscious focus on one event, and eliminate any extraneous interference.

Practice this drill 10 minutes 2 times per day for 2 weeks. The effectiveness of this Auto Focus Drill, you will be able to climb to the next level of Golf Synergy conditioning.

Sit in the middle of a room; with one radio about 3-4 feet from your right ear, and another radio the same distance from your left ear.

Have the radios at the same volume, but on different stations. Close your eyes, and focus your attention from one radio to the other every 15 seconds. Continue this drill until you are able to hear only one radio at a time.

This drill will come in handy on the golf course when people are trying to disrupt your focus.

Auto – Visualization

1. Bring to mind a golf shot you made that really impressed you.

2. Relive in you mind everything about the shot.

3. Visualize the scenery, the sounds you heard and the feel of the golf club, etc.

4. How did you feel emotionally?

5. What did you smell?

6. Now play the shot in your mind.

7. Focus in the parts of your body that were involved. Try to feel the sensations in these various areas.

8. Did you feel relaxed, tense, powerful, happy?

9. What can you recall about your golf

10. What did you see? If it was a putt, did you see

the ball breaking towards the hole, and dropping

into the cup?

11. What did you hear? The sound of your club striking

the ball? Then the clanking noise of the ball

dropping into the hole?

12. Now combine all pictures, sounds, and feelings to

Enhance this experience.

13. Now assign a “Title Word” to this mental movie you

just created in your mind. This will enable you to recall this experience at will.

14. Initially use Title Words before and after Auto

Focus Conditioning to further integrate the

Experience into your nervous system.

Learn to control your attention, and you will improve your golf score. We often think of terrible consequences if we don’t make a good shot. This can cause tenseness, and depression to occur immediately. Focus can add power to any event, mental or physical when teeing off don’t hear voices, don’t see T.V. cameras, etc.

Some Martial Artists are able to double focus with this we mean they are able to keep their focus on fighting after they have had bones broken in their body. Hopefully things will never get this extreme in the game of golf, but who knows? Someday you may be called upon t play with an injury. With this type of training you will be prepared.

During warm ups, take time before or after to focus on your up coming game. As you become proficient at Auto Focus Conditioning, you will only need to close your eyes for a few seconds to replay your mental movie. Experiment with this technique, and customize it t fit your needs.

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