Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Health Warning Signals

It is possible to have a cavity in our teeth and not know it. The same holds true for your spine. You may have a subluxation without being aware of it. Here are a few signs that your spine might be out of alignment: 

1. One leg is shorter than the other

2. Joints of the body hurt

3. One shoulder is higher than the other

4. A foot is turned in or out

5. Hyperactivity

6. Sinus problems

7. Asthma and Wheezing

8. Frequent colds

9. Colic

10. Scoliosis – lateral bending of the spine


  1. This is great info! thanks Dr. Bob

  2. Sue,
    Pay attention to your bodily functions! They will tell you alot.

    Thanks for the visit,

    Dr. Bob Feel Good

  3. Dr. Bob,

    Thanks for the warning signs! It always good to be aware of issues,so they can be addressed early.

    Pete Baca
    The Car Enthusiast Online

  4. Hi Pete,
    You are welcome. Watch for them, because they will happen.

  5. Dr. Bob,
    I have had leg lengths differentiate. But it is sometimes cannot always be known because it is only an inch or two right? Thanks for the info!

    Bobby B.

  6. Thanks for this awsome post. It's nice to know what warning signs to look for. With this information you can seek treatment early and more than likely avoid a lot of pain and discomfort!

  7. Great to know what warning signs your body is telling you to get adjusted!

  8. Candy,
    The body is very smart, and will communicate health issues to you. Make sure you are listening!


    Dr. Bob Moulas
