Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chiropractic Relief Care

Relief care is defined as the number of Chiropractic adjustments necessary to get rid of your pain symptoms. Each adjustment builds on the prior treatment. Missing or postponing your treatment schedule can interfere with the retraining of your spine. This type of care is the least expensive, and doesn’t require a lot of adjustments. In the majority of cases relief care does not remove the cause of your symptoms. Relief care will give a patient quick relief from their pain symptoms.


  1. Chiropractic care is the best medicine there is!! Thanks, Dr. Bob

  2. Candy,
    Only about 50% of my patients opt for relief care. It fixes the problem. I love it!

    Thank you,

    Dr. Bob Feel Good

  3. Hi Sue,
    I totaly agree with you! Keep getting those adjustments.


    Dr. Bob Moulas

  4. Dr. Bob,

    I agree...it is good to keep with the regular regimen. When I miss treatments I experience discomfort and pain!

    Thanks for the info!

    Pete Baca
    The Car Enthusiast Online

  5. Hi Pete,
    It is good to be regular! Ha! Keep up the good work sir.

  6. Dr. Bob,
    That makes sense. And whats more natural then your body healing itself right? Thanks again for the great info.

    Bobby B.

  7. Dr. Bob,
    You definietly were able to provide some relief for my daughter - and on the week-end too! Thanks so much for seeing on an "emergency" basis and helping her feel so much better! You were also able to provide such good info. - much appreciated!
    Brenda P.

  8. Dr. Bob,
    You were definitely able to help my daughter feel better - and on the week-end too! THANK YOU so much for seeing her on an "emergency" basis and helping her feel better! You provided such great info as well!

  9. Hi Brenda,
    It was a pleasure to work with your daughter. I love helping others regain their health.

    Thank you for the visit,

    Dr. Bob Moulas
