Thursday, December 31, 2009

Neck Pain And Headaches

According to the front page of the “Life” section in the Toronto Star… “Chiropractors were right. Many headaches are caused by damaged structures in the neck – and scientific evidence proves it.”

The article interviewed a Toronto physician, Peter Rothbart, who concludes:

“We have been about to find an anatomical and physiological cause for many headaches. We’ve found damaged structures in the neck, and have gone on to prove they are the cause of the pain.

“We couldn’t believe it at first. We’ve been able to put together a scientific explanation for how structure causes headaches…”

In the past medical doctors have scorned the idea that neck problems cause headaches when it was suggested by chiropractors. But Rothbart says they will accept the anatomical research results.

Rothbart says doctors can check different bones in the neck to identify exactly where the problem is…If it is a structural problem that will respond to spinal manipulation, Rothbart refers the patient to a chiropractor to have it fixed.”

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Whiplash From Auto Accidents

Whiplash pain can be unlike any other types of pain. When a car accident is severe, the pain will come on right away. If the injury produces a slight or moderate sprain, sometimes it takes a few days for the pain and inflammation to reach its maximum. Sometimes it is stiffness that is the most common symptom and the patient notices this in the first few weeks after the accident. The delay in pain is often seen in low speed collisions.

There are a lot of factors that determine the extent of injury following a low speed whiplash. One of these is the neck posture prior to impact. Was the head rotated? This can occur if the patient was looking at the rear view mirror prior to the collision.

Speed and the amount of vehicle damage are sometimes good criteria for the severity of the trauma. However, it may not be in all cases due to crumple zones. Cars are built with crumple zones. These areas are crushed during the collision and absorb the impact. In low speed collisions, there is less crumple zone and more of the force is to the driver.

Another factor in whiplash is whether the head-rest was in the proper position. A proper head-rest should be close to the back of the head and its high point slightly above the top of the head. The reason for the high position is that in a rear-end collision, patient who is being hit will rise slightly with impact. If the head-rest is too low, then the neck will bend around it like a fulcrum causing even more injury. The same thing happens if the seat is reclined too far and the head whips backwards before hitting the head-rest.

Because symptoms can come on slowly and minor vehicle damage is not a proper indicator of injury, a thorough examination is recommended. It is important to be checked by a health care provider after an automobile accident.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chiropractic For Children

Chiropractors often encounter parents who recognize the importance of regular check-ups for their child’s teeth, eyes, and hearing, but draw a total blank when it comes to a spinal check-up.

A spinal check-up could possibly be the most important check-up your child will ever have!

The spine is the life line of the body and helps protect the integrity of the nervous system.

An infant’s spine may sustain serious damage during child birth. Forceps and similar devices are used to pull a baby through the birth canal. Babies were meant to be pushed out of the birth canal not pulled out. The vertebrae of the baby’s spine may become misaligned and put pressure on the nervous system. That may be the reason why infants cry so frequently!

Shaking a young toddler may cause various whiplash injuries to the spine.

Children are expected to grow up and be very physical. Running and jumping and various slips and falls are a part of the growing up process. The spine can be adversely affected and have serious after effects. The concerned parent should have their child’s spine checked often during the growing years.

A remarkable study performed by pediatricians showed that children under Chiropractic care had superior health compared to children brought up under basic medical care. These Chiropractic children suffered fewer ear infections, fewer allergies, and fewer cases of tonsillitis.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Footbath Full Detoxification

The ionic footbath is the latest in cutting edge technology and was developed to detoxify your body. This unique device was designed to specifically empower your body to more aggressively address and heal itself.

This innovative detox device will cleanse, balance, and enhance your vital energy force found in your bodily fluids. This ionic foot bath if routinely used, will increase physical and mental energy, vitality, and stamina, while detoxifying the body of harmful toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, and other foreign material that have clogged up the layers of skin. This new technology as a therapy assists with internal cleansing of the liver and the irradification of parasites. This new process if done on a regular basis may result in less body fluid retention, reduced inflammation, improved memory, a stronger immune system, and more pain relief from headaches, gout, and arthritis pain. During an ionic foot spa treatment, you will actually observe the cleaning process hard at work. As the electric current interacts with the water you will begin to see your body purging or detoxifying. The ionic foot bath emits a very specific frequency that enables the cells to return to a healthy state and remove the waste or toxins.

Let your feet enjoy the warmth of the water. The spa detox will last approximately 30 minutes. Throughout the course of treatment you may see expelled toxins. The water may change color or consistency. It may vary from orange, brown, possibly even black, due to the release of toxic substances through the 2000 pores located on the bottom of each foot. When the water is changing colors, each color represents the area of body that is being cleansed.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why Do I Blog?

My goal is to deliver the best, up to date, cutting edge information that will take your health to the highest level.

My passion is derived from being able to help you reach all your goals. I have been given the gift of being able to research and pass on my knowledge to others, and I do not take this lightly! I give my promise to you that I will answer all your questions, and hopefully impact your life in a positive way.

Thank you for viewing my blog…

Friday, December 25, 2009

30 Minutes a Week Is All It Takes

In their book Total Fitness in 30 Minutes a Week, Dr. Laurence Morehouse and Leonard Gross have put together a program that can get you in good physical condition in only two hours. (Even if you haven’t exercised in the past 20 years). Exercise can be done in the shower, waiting for the bus, or sitting at your desk.

Exercise sessions are done for ten minutes every other day. One minute is spent on limbering up, four minutes on muscle building, and five minutes on cardiovascular exercises. This is a great exercise program for those that truly hate to exercise. Remember – you are only two hours away from good physical condition.

Always consult a qualified physician before starting any exercise program.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


According to a government study done by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, spinal manipulation is the most effective treatment for acute lower back pain.

Lower-back pain is suffered, at one time or another, by up to 80 percent of adult Americans. Next to the common cold, it is the most common reason men and women visit primary care physicians.

For lower back pain this is some of what the report recommends:

1. Spinal manipulation by a chiropractor.

2. Low-stress exercise such as walking, swimming or biking, if the problems are “mild or moderate.”

3. More rigorous “conditioning exercises” for the trunk muscles to start and gradually increase after the first two weeks of pain.

SOURCE: Chicago Sun-Times

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Exercise Myths

1. Never drink while exercising. This was popular with the old time boxers. Drinking water helps bath the blood cells, and help them circulate.

2. Eat sugar before exercise to increase your energy. Bad idea! Sugar increases insulin, and gets stored in your organs.

3. Don’t eat before you swim. This one doesn’t work, because once you start exercising, circulation to the intestines shuts down. Blood is diverted to the muscles.

4. Use salt tabs to decrease fatigue. Salt tabs are made of solid brine, and when resting on the stomach walls can cause nausea and vomiting. Bad idea, skip the salt tabs.

5. Extra protein increases strength. Momma is wrong again! Your body has reserves of protein and can only digest small amounts per meal. Extra protein can be a big waste of money. The kidneys and liver get overworked also.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) DMSO

DMSO was discovered in Russia in the year 1866. Its use was primarily as an analgesic for treating muscle strains, sprains and tendonitis.

Athletes found DMSO to be effective when dispersed over injured body parts. It was quickly absorbed when applied.

DMSO works by blocking the conduction of pain receptors in nerve cells.

The Toronto Maple Leafs baseball team was treated by Dr. Paul with DMSO. He found that an injury treated with DMSO responded in 28 days, compared to taking 42 days healing time for injuries not treated with DMSO.

DMSO can carry substances directly into the body. This can lead to toxic reactions when non medical grade DMSO is not used.

DMSO is best used in 70-90 percent sterile water, and applied about every 4-6 hours. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before using DMSO.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Part II Depression

Depression starts when the mood area of the brain is disturbed. The brain communicates through chemicals called neurotransmitters. These chemicals control our behavior, and are controlled by the food we eat.

Eating carbohydrates helps calm down the mind, where ingesting proteins can make you more alert.

Consumption of B-Complex vitamins have shown to normalize brain function. The amino acid L-Tyrosine raises the happy chemicals in the brain, and influences mood in a positive direction.

Genetics can play a part in depression. Around 50 percent of people with depression have one or more parents that suffer from depression.

Consult a physician for more information.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Part I Depression

This is a subject that will affect most people some time in their life. Some get angry, and others become withdrawn. The good news is most cases of depression are short lived, and not serious.

Cardinal signs of depression are: fatigue, back and neck pain, headaches, loss of appetite, binge eating and worse case scenarios include suicidal thoughts.

Depression causes are vast. It can be brought on by stress, improper food intake, allergies and sugar. Lack of sunlight in the winter months can also trigger depression. Research has shown that two hours of a.m. sun is great towards alleviating depression.

Consult a qualified physician if depression is effecting your life.

Friday, December 18, 2009

What Are The Benefits Of Fasting?

Fasting is an effective way of detoxifying your body. The break in food intake allows the body to rest. Fasting is best controlled by a physician.

Regular fasting helps the body heal itself and stay well. Your organs get a rest. Your blood gets purified, and your colon gets cleansed.

Fasts can be done for three-ten days. Do not fast on water alone. All fasts over three days should be supervised by a physician.

Diabetics should not fast unless closely supervised by a doctor. Hypoglycemics should use high quality protein when fasting.

Fasting can become an integral part of your health regiment. Fast about three days per month.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Is Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative Disc Disease is not really a disease process. This condition occurs when the disc becomes dehydrated and starts to break down. The causes of D.D.D. are numerous: aging, bad diet, smoking, and a lack of exercise. When discs break down, they become more prone to serious conditions such as disc herniations, disc bulges, and spinal sterosis. The end result is a decrease in spinal strength, speed and flexibility. To a golfer this could be the difference between playing pain free or in pain

Spinal decompression machines can create a negative vacuum that actually helps the disc repair itself. Most golfers can recall playing the game in pain. Spinal decompression can help turn back the hands of time, and keep you on the golf course.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Explained...

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the nerve (median), which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes compressed between the displaced bones of the wrist (called subluxation). Nerve signals originate in the brain and follow tracts down the spinal cord through openings between the neck bones (vertebrae). The nerves then travel down the arm and into the hand. At the wrist a semicircular tunnel allows the nerves to travel through the highly mobile wrist area. The tunnel is a narrow and rigid passageway of ligaments and bones at the wrist and contains the median nerve and tendons. The tunnel deforms when there is sprain or damage to the ligaments allowing the bones to move away from their normal positions.

There are also other causes for compression, such as inflammation. Sometimes the nerve is more susceptible to compression at the wrist if it is also pinched or irritated at the neck level. When the nerve is compressed or irritated at both the wrist and neck area it is called a double crush injury or syndrome.

Sometimes, thickening from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows the tunnel and causes the median nerve to be pinched. This is why sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen will decrease the pain in some patients. But they really are a no-end kind of treatment that never gets at the cause of why there is inflammation in the first place. They also have significant side effects, especially in older patients where they can cause stomach or intestinal bleeding (ulcers).

The median nerve controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers except the little finger as well as impulses to some small muscles in the hand that allow the fingers and thumb to move. Pain, tingling and numbness in the hand can be caused by neck problems such as a herniated disk, sprains or subluxations, and arthritis.

When carpal tunnel syndrome strikes the result may be pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist. Sometimes the pain runs from the wrist and back up the forearm. Many patients will also say that they have other bothersome symptoms such as back and neck pain or stiffness.

Many patients believe that surgery will help their condition or have had it recommended to them. It is important to make sure that a comprehensive diagnosis is obtained prior to contemplating surgery. Surgery is a very drastic and last resort type of option so one should try conservative treatments first. If the problem is an irritated or compressed nerve in the neck, no amount of wrist surgery will help that type of problem.

This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Do You Have Pain In Your Feet?

The human foot serves as the foundation of the body, combining mechanical complexity and structural strength. The ankle specifically serves as the shock absorber and propulsion engine of the body. The foot and ankle are designed to sustain enormous pressure while providing flexibility and resiliency.

The foot and the ankle are made up of……..

· 26 bones

· 33 joints and more than 100 muscles.

These components work together to provide the body with support, balance, and mobility. A structural flaw or malfunction in any one part can result in the development of problems elsewhere in the body.

Supination of the foot occurs when the foot rolls outward at the ankle. The most common symptoms of supination are pain through the arch of the foot or pain in the heel. The pain can usually be associated with plantar fascitis or heel spurs. Other symptoms can be back and knee pain.

Pronation of the foot is a condition that occurs when the arch of the foot collapses. Often, pronation occurs as a result of strain on the foot. If pronation is left untreated, serious problems can arise.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Who Am I And Why Should You Listen?

My name is Dr. Bob Moulas. I was born in Omaha, Nebraska in the year 1956. My mother grew up in World War II turmoil in England, and his Aunts in Nebraska raised my father. We didn’t have a lot of money, but most of the other kids in my neighborhood were in the same boat. The weather was usually to hot or to cold, but we still engaged in your typical routine of sports. We played football, basketball, baseball, etc.

I especially loved baseball! Pitching to be exact! My little league career was so much fun! We only had a coach for one year, and then he was drafted into the Vietnam War. My buddy Dan Adams and myself were player coaches at the age of 9. I used to love going up to the plate with my line up, and getting instructions from the umpire prior to the game. The other coaches were usually 50-60 years old. Talk about on the job training! I wouldn’t trade those memories, even for 51% share of Wal-Mart stock!

Why is a Chiropractor writing a mental conditioning book for golfers you ask? It all goes back to Little League Baseball. I discovered at the age of 10, that if you thought of pitching in your mind – it actually helped you on the field. We didn’t get much practice pitching, and I hated to look bad on the mound. It wasn’t long before I was daydreaming about pitching, and I fell asleep thinking of pitching quiet frequently. Sometimes I pitched entire games in my head. My mind taught me how to throw a slider and a curveball in my dreams. Sound Strange? If I had not fallen in love bodybuilding and power lifting in high school, you probably would have seen me pitch at Yankee Stadium.

I was not a natural at golf. I’ve hit a 1 iron 275 yards, and I have hit my driver 350 yards. Golf takes a lot of time and practice. So, I started playing golf in my mind. The results were astounding!

This book was formulated from all my experiences, seminars, workshops, books, friends, and other professionals. Wouldn’t it be great if most of us played scratch golf? Let me show you how to get an edge on that little white ball. Good Luck!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Conditioning By Sports Breathing

Important to relaxation is supplying the body with ample amounts of oxygen. The Sport-Breath will accomplish this goal. This type of breathing will dramatically change the physiology of the body. The Sport-Breath can be used before a golf match, during, and afterwards to help aid in recovery. It can also be used prior to studying, relaxing, lifting weights, etc. This breath should be taken when you feel the need to supply your body with and extra amount of oxygen.

The Sport-Breath is sometimes referred to as diaphragmatic breathing. In diaphragmatic breathing you inhale and draw oxygen deep into the stomach region. This will also totally inflate the lungs. Newborn babies and wild animals preparing for a kill breathe this way in to increase the energy of the body.

When confronted with a negative mishap – most people begin to pant (short, rapid breaths). This will make you tense, angry and fearful. Your heart rate increases and this will cause a loss of coordination, and concentration. Neither of these conditions have any benefit to an individual. Learning to monitor, and control breathing ensures optimal oxygenation for proper brain and muscle cell efficiency.

The Sport-Breath can be done either standing, sitting or lying down. It usually depends on the circumstances of the situation to which position you will use. Exhale through your mouth and empty all the air from your lungs.

Now slowly start inhaling through your mouth and empty all the air from your lungs. Now slowly start inhaling through your nose. Push out on your stomach muscles. You will actually see your stomach rising as you inhale. This will allow you to take in air to the lower section of the lungs. Most people are chest breathers. They never inhale oxygen to the lower sections of their lungs.

While inhaling slowly, it is important to expand you rib cage as much as possible. At the same time you will raise your shoulders to help your inhalation. Hold your breath for 10 seconds.

After 10 seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth. The exhalation should be done slowly, and take about 5 seconds. The body detoxifies it’s self during exhalation. The Sport-Breath should be preformed 5 times.

The Sport-Breath is a very simple exercise. But remember not to over look simplicity. This type of breathing is the secret power behind many golfers, martial artists, weight lifters, basketball players, etc. I recommend the Sport-Breath be performed 2 times daily for the rest of your life.

You must breath in about 18-22 ounces of air to get 1 ounce of air into your blood stream. Diaphragmatic breathing relaxes our emotions, and lets go of tension. The Sport-Breath strengthens abdominal, and intestinal muscles. This will in turn take pressure off the low-back region. While being a Chiropractor – I can really appreciate this exercise. Do it regularly, and it may keep you out of my office.

After a deep breathing session you will have better mental concentration. This in retrospect will increase your ability to create mental images. The more you use this exercise, the more efficient your body and mind will perform.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Improve Your Mental Game

What is your handicap? How much has it improved the past year? These are commonly asked questions within the golf community. The real truth of the matter is that most golfers have not improved their golf scores through the years.

Golf Synergy was designed to help you develop the necessary mental traits that many Championship Golfers posses. Psychologists agree that most sports require 75% mental, and 25% physical ability. I believe that to become a successful golfer you must be able to put 90% of your mental power into each and every shot.

Thomas A. Edison once said, “The only reason we need a body is to carry the brain around”. Our brains are more complex than any computer ever built. If a computer was to be built that would match the power of your brain, it would have to be housed in the Empire State Building, and it would take al the electricity used by New York City for a week, to run it for one hour.

A balanced golfer is able to react to adverse conditions without blowing his cool. He wants to know the cause behind the circumstances. A winner reacts to misfortune in an objective manner without involving a lot of unnecessary emotions.

This course has been divided into 6 modules. I have intended for you to spend about one week on each module. If more time is needed, please take it.

I have attempted to illustrate each module in a simple
Fashion. Please be careful not to over look the simple. It is only from the simple, that we may begin to explore more complex issues. The changes that occur will be made in a precise order, and exact time frame.

You will be taught how an average man like Tom Kite (in just about every sense of the word average) can make the jump to being one of the leading money winners of the P.G.A.

The answer to all of your questions about developing into a much-improved golfer is here. Take advantage of the opportunity to review each section on a daily basis. Repetition is the key to being successful.

If watching your golf scores drop dramatically is your goal, then the next six weeks will change your life forever!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Inferiority Complex

At some time in your life you made a decision to feel inferior to others. In the majority of cases most people develop inferiority complexes at a very young age. Maybe you were not very good at sports, school, singing, etc. The major problem with developing these complexes at such a young age is, that it can interfere with the development of your abilities as you grow. In some more severe cases people develop the “who cares attitude”. They give up trying to do things, when the going gets a little tuff.

I threw the discus in the 9th grade, and was reasonably successful at it. I got recognition, and had a lot of fun. I won most of my meets, and was ranked #4 in the state.

While warming up for the State Discus Finals, I was watching other athletes throw. At that instance, I decided that I could not win, and probably not place in the top 5. I convinced myself that I was inferior to these other athletes.

I relayed this message to my subconscious mind, and it obliged me. I threw 10 feet less then I had been throwing all week, and ended up in 7th place. Why did I do this to myself? I had brought out an inferiority complex that already existed in my mind. I actually believed that I didn’t deserve to win.

Others can force inferiority complexes upon you. It can be a parent or coach that tells you that you’ll never amount to anything.
Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, because his coach felt he didn’t have the ability to play Varsity basketball. This is a case where a person believed in himself, and his abilities. He chose not to develop an inferiority complex.

Once the inferiority complex is adopted by your subconscious mind, the game is on. At this point most people try to compensate for their feelings. They say things like “ I could of beat you on the 18th hole if the wind hadn’t blown my ball into the sand trap”. They don’t realize they have an inferiority complex. How can you fix something if you don’t know it is broken? The advantage of the golfer, who is aware of his complex, is that he may set up some plan or action to change it.

Other golfers will develop a habit of feeling superior. They have an outer armor that appears to be indestructible, but they are just putting forth a smoke screen to protect their inner fragile self.

Learn to accept your limitations, focus your goals on things that you can change. You have abilities that others do not. Build upon them day by day. Never accept your inferior complex as being unchangeable! Be honest with yourself, and keep looking for opportunities. Decide where you want your golf game to go and smash through all barriers that you encounter.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Auto – Action Portfolio

Why do you do the things you do? Sometimes it is hard for us to explain our actions. To help get answers about the inner you, I have included a series of personality questions. They will give you an inside track on figuring out what caliber of golfer you want to be, and what will you need to change to accomplish your goals.

As you read each question analyze whether it pertains to you. Take more time with those questions that have deep meaning with you.

These questions will have a dual advantage. They will give you valuable knowledge about yourself, and they will provide information on how to communicate with your inner subconscious mind. In the next module we will analyze your answers. Be honest with yourself when answering these questions.

Before you start to answer the following questions, close your eyes and take 5 minutes, and ask yourself where you want your golf game to be. Think about the skills and attributes you want to have, and think about the attributes you now have.

Auto-Action Portfolio

Answer: O = Occasionally Y = Yes N = No

1. Is decision making difficult for you?

2. Are you unhappy with your life?

3. Do you feel guilty about not doing things?

4. Are you irresponsible?

5. Do you have difficulty taking advice?

6. Are you under ambitious?

7. Do you lack energy?

8. Are you moody?

9. Do you lose your temper easily?

10. Do you often get mad at yourself?

11. Do you destroy things when you get angry?

12. Do you hide your feelings?

13. Are you a procrastinator?

14. Do you have low self-confidence?

15. Do you ponder over past mistakes?

16. Do you compete in every game you play?

17. Is relaxation difficult for you?

18. Do you fear criticism?

19. Are you afraid of losing?

20. Are you passive?

21. Are you slow to recover from emotional problems?

22. Are you unfocused?

23. Are you unwilling to take risks?

24. Are you pessimistic?

25. Are you unmotivated?

26. Are you dependent on others?

27. Do you feel intellectually inferior to your peers?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Auto-Relaxation Conditioning

The purpose of Auto-Relaxation Conditioning (A.R.C.) is to relax the nervous system. This is accomplished when the body secrets the hormone nor epinephrine. This hormone has a profound effect on muscle relaxation. When in a deep state of A.R.C., the muscles are relaxed, and the flow of electrical charges to the brain is greatly diminished. When a golfer becomes angry, i.e. hitting your ball into a sand trap. The muscles will tighten up, and overload the brain with electrical impulses. This creates tension in the body, and can dramatically affect our next shot. Worse yet, it can ruin your whole game. Anyone for shooting in the 150’s?

A.R.C. is commonly referred to as mental or psychological gymnastics. It can help rid ourselves of counter productive emotions that may plague us in competitive situations.

To become a master of A.R.C. will take approximately 3 months. Take your time learning this skill because it will set the foundation for learning the techniques of Golf Synergy. In as little as 3 sessions you will notice pleasant changes in your body and mind. Your concentration will become more focused. Don’t force yourself to relax, because this can create negative images within your subconscious mind.

Check List for A.R.C.

1. Practice in the beginning in a dark room.
2. May be performed while lying down, seated, or in a reclined position.
3. Loosen clothes, and remove shoes.
4. You may listen to soft music if desired.
5. Perform Auto-Breath 3 times.
6. Now make a fist with the right hand while saying the word “Relax” now relax your hand.
7. Say the following to yourself: My face is relaxing every wrinkle is being smoothed out. My jaw is relaxed. Repeat 2 times.
8. Both my arms and hands are becoming heavy and warm. Repeat 2 times.
9. My shoulders and upper back are slumped and relaxed. Repeat 2 times.
10. My chest feels relaxed, and my heartbeat is
steady and calm. Repeat 2 times.
11. My stomach and low-back feel warm and soft.
Repeat 3 times.
12. My legs and feet are becoming heavy and warm.
Repeat 3 times.
13. Repeat to yourself that you feel very calm and
14. Feel, as things appear to be moving in slow
motion. Don’t try to control your thoughts. Just
let them float by like clouds in the sky.
15. Be careful not to fall asleep at this stage.
16. Continue in this state for about 10-15 minutes. Always have a quiet clock in eyesight!
17. At the conclusion of you’re A.R.C. open your eyes and make a fist with your left hand while saying the word “GO” now relax your hand.
18. Now sit up slowly, and do some light stretching exercises. They will help wake up our body. You will feel as if you have taken a nice long nap. You are now ready to continue on with your day.
19. Practice A.R.C. everyday for 2 weeks. Then change your practice to 1 time per day, 3 days per week.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Auto-Focus Conditioning

When on the golf course it is not uncommon to encounter many distractions. They come in the form of people talking loudly, airplanes, large trees, etc. It is imperative to develop the ability to focus, and block out all undesirable stimuli. You cannot pay attention to more then one thing at a time. Winners are able to focus all their attention on a single goal for a long period of time. Remember the following equation: Control of attention = control of focus. If you are not in control of your focus you are not in control of your golf game.

The following drill will help you learn how to develop the power of focus. Before beginning this drill, perform the Auto-Breath 3 times. Then relax your body through Auto-Relaxation. In time you will be able to reach full relaxation in 2-5 minutes.

Auto-Focus Drill

The purpose of this drill is to train our conscious focus on one event, and eliminate any extraneous interference.

Practice this drill 10 minutes 2 times per day for 2 weeks. The effectiveness of this Auto Focus Drill, you will be able to climb to the next level of Golf Synergy conditioning.

Sit in the middle of a room; with one radio about 3-4 feet from your right ear, and another radio the same distance from your left ear.

Have the radios at the same volume, but on different stations. Close your eyes, and focus your attention from one radio to the other every 15 seconds. Continue this drill until you are able to hear only one radio at a time.

This drill will come in handy on the golf course when people are trying to disrupt your focus.

Auto – Visualization

1. Bring to mind a golf shot you made that really impressed you.

2. Relive in you mind everything about the shot.

3. Visualize the scenery, the sounds you heard and the feel of the golf club, etc.

4. How did you feel emotionally?

5. What did you smell?

6. Now play the shot in your mind.

7. Focus in the parts of your body that were involved. Try to feel the sensations in these various areas.

8. Did you feel relaxed, tense, powerful, happy?

9. What can you recall about your golf

10. What did you see? If it was a putt, did you see

the ball breaking towards the hole, and dropping

into the cup?

11. What did you hear? The sound of your club striking

the ball? Then the clanking noise of the ball

dropping into the hole?

12. Now combine all pictures, sounds, and feelings to

Enhance this experience.

13. Now assign a “Title Word” to this mental movie you

just created in your mind. This will enable you to recall this experience at will.

14. Initially use Title Words before and after Auto

Focus Conditioning to further integrate the

Experience into your nervous system.

Learn to control your attention, and you will improve your golf score. We often think of terrible consequences if we don’t make a good shot. This can cause tenseness, and depression to occur immediately. Focus can add power to any event, mental or physical when teeing off don’t hear voices, don’t see T.V. cameras, etc.

Some Martial Artists are able to double focus with this we mean they are able to keep their focus on fighting after they have had bones broken in their body. Hopefully things will never get this extreme in the game of golf, but who knows? Someday you may be called upon t play with an injury. With this type of training you will be prepared.

During warm ups, take time before or after to focus on your up coming game. As you become proficient at Auto Focus Conditioning, you will only need to close your eyes for a few seconds to replay your mental movie. Experiment with this technique, and customize it t fit your needs.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

3 Tips to Eat a Healthier Diet to Get Slim Fast

1. Make sure to eat at least some healthy fats in most of your meals. Eating enough healthy fats is very important for maintaining proper fat burning and muscle building hormone levels in your body. Adequate healthy fats in your diet also helps in keeping your appetite under control.

The healthiest sources of dietary fats are raw nuts, seeds. Egg yolks (from organic free range eggs) avocados, extra virgin olive oil (highest antioxidant content of olive oils), coconut oil (a great source of healthy saturated fats in the form of medium chain triglycerides), and grass-fed meats (a great source of the healthy fat, conjugated linoleic acid, which can help burn body fat and build muscle).

Try this tip – eat a handful of raw nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds are great healthy choices) 3 times a day about 30 minutes prior to meals. This can help to quell your appetite and give your body some protein, fiber, and healthy fats so that you eat less calories overall at your meals and get more nutrition at the same time due to the high nutrient density of most nuts.

2. Try to eat a high quality protein source with each meal and snack that you eat. Quality proteins from grass-fed meats, grass-fed raw dairy, and even from plant sources such as nuts and beans provides good appetite suppression so you can control your calorie intake easier.

Getting ample quality proteins also helps you to build lean muscle (if you’re working out hard regularly) so that your metabolism can run at a higher rate from the increased lean muscle on your body.

Eating sufficient protein at most of your meals also aids your body in controlling blood sugar and insulin levels by helping to slow the breakdown of ingested carbohydrates.

3. Although I do not fully agree with extremely low-carb diets, I do believe that one of the main reasons that so many individuals struggle to lose weight for most of their lives is due to eating excessive processed carbohydrates such as refined grain-based starches and refined sugars on a daily basis.

The natural sugars in whole fruits and berries are ok because the fiber in fruits helps to slow the blood sugar response in your body. Just make sure to avoid fruit juices, which are mostly sugar and have the fiber removed in processing the juice.

Source: Mike Geary

Friday, December 4, 2009

U.S. Hypertension Risk Not Improving

Fewer people today smoke or have high cholesterol than 20 years age. But, confounding the expectations of health officials, the overall risk of developing cardiovascular disease in the United States in the last two decades has remained virtually unchanged. Part of the reason likely has to do with a persistent inability to control high blood pressure on a national scale.

Researchers from the University of Texas and elsewhere looked at data from the landmark National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which includes vital health information on thousands of people ages 20-75 that was collected between 1994 and 1998 and then again in 2005 and 2006. Results, presented at the American Heart Association’s 2009 Scientific Sessions, showed that approximately 53% of people faced an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease in the earlier portion of the study compared to 55% in the most current analysis. (The apparent 2% increase was determined to be statistically insignificant.)

Researchers say that the lack of positive change has to do with two alarming countertrends: blood glucose levels (an indicator of diabetes) and blood pressure have not dropped along with smoking and cholesterol. In fact these indicators have increased and are off-setting many of the gains made by the apparently effective large-scale public service campaigns against smoking. Plus, even with lower cholesterol levels, the average national body mass index (BMI, a measure of weight in relation to height) has actually increased. All in all, the data can serve as a good reminder of how important blood pressure control is to reducing your overall cardiovascular risk and of how far we have yet to go in meeting our national blood pressure goals.

Source: Healthcommunities

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Exercise Harder to Prevent Stroke

Along with lifestyle changes such as eating healthfully and not smoking, regular exercise is crucial for controlling hypertension (high blood pressure), which is the number one cause of stroke. Most reputable agencies, including the American Heart Association, recommend 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily at a moderate intensity level. This includes activities such as walking or biking at a pace where it is still possible to maintain a conversation. However, new research suggests that exercising harder is better for reducing stroke risk.

The news comes from the Northern Manhattan study, a large-scale epidemiological study analyzing the myriad factors that help explain why someone does or does not experience a stroke. Researchers looked at just over 3,000 people, average age 69, and found that those who reported engaging in moderate-to-heavy intensity activities like tennis and swimming were 35% less likely to suffer a stroke over a nine-year period than patients who didn’t exercise People who exercised only lightly, such as an occasional walk at a slow pace, were only 6% less likely to suffer a stroke than non-exercisers.

The fact that people who exercise harder are afforded more protection may not seem very revolutionary, but these results do fly in the face of previous research. Other large-scale studies that have influenced current recommendations on exercise, including the Nurses’ Health Study and the Women’s Health Initiative, suggested that high-intensity may only increase the risk of injury or cause chronic conditions such as arthritis without producing any added cardiovascular benefits when compared to moderate intensity activity. This study says otherwise and suggests that it may be a good idea to bump up the rigors of your exercise program. Just be sure to talk to your doctor first.

Source: Healthcommunities

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Whole Foods Diet May Protect Against Depression

Eating a whole foods diet may not only stave off weight gain, it may also help prevent depression. In a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, Caucasian, middle-aged adults who consumed a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish reported fewer depression symptoms on a depression test ( the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale or CES-D) five years later, compared to people who frequently ate processed foods. By comparison, participants whose eating habits revolved around processed meat, high-fat dairy products, and fried, refined, and sugary foods had a more than 50 percent higher chance of depression symptoms. The association between diet and depression held even after controlling for physical activity, smoking, total energy intake, and other factors.

Food & Mood

If poor diet does indeed cause depression symptoms, the researchers note that one or more of the following mechanisms might be at work:

· The rate of depression may rise with sugar consumption.

· Processed foods may promote inflammation and heart disease, which may contribute to depression.

· Insulin resistance and/or other disease processes could be to blame.

The protective effects of a whole foods diet could come from antioxidants, folate or fatty acids, or the combined effects of nutrients in these foods. Although previous research has focused on isolated nutrients and depression, this study is among the first to examine overall dietary patterns and the risk of experiencing symptoms of this mood disorder.

The researchers note that more research needs to be done to confirm that diet influences depression and not the reverse.

The bottom line: While the study group was limited, adopting healthy eating habits is generally a good idea for most people. Whole foods are closer to a natural state, receive minimal or no processing, and typically contain no added fats, sugars or salt. Try tasty options such as raw fruits and vegetables, unpolished whole grains, and minimally processed fish, poultry, and meat.

Source: Healthcommunities

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can Chewing Gum Really Help You Lose Weight?

Can something as simple as chewing gum help you eat less and lose weight? It sounds too good to be true - and for the most part is. But preliminary research from the University of Rhode Island suggests that gum chewing may curb hunger – at least a little. In the study, volunteers who chewed sugar-free for a total of one hour in the morning (in three 20-minute bouts) consumed about 70 fewer calories at lunch (where they were allowed to eat as much as they wanted), compared to when they didn’t chew gum. And they didn’t make up the calories later in the day.

As the lead researcher, Dr. Kathleen J. Melanson, explains, “the act of chewing stimulates nerves in the muscles of the jaw, which may send signals to the part of the brain linked to satiety, thereby reducing hunger. Based on these initial results, one could hypothesize that gum chewing may be a useful adjunct to a weight management program.”

Some sticking points: The study was short term, so it’s not known if the small appetite-suppressing effect observed would last. Moreover, not all studies have shown that gum chewing reduces appetite. An earlier study actually found it increased appetite. Not surprisingly, the study was funded by the Wrigley Science Institute (as in Wrigley’s gum) and has not been published.

Chewing gum does burn some calories – about 11 an hour by one estimate. But you’d have to chew (sugarless) gum for 10 to 12 hours a day for a month to lose about a pound. One thing is for sure – gum has fewer calories than a candy bar. Be aware, though, that some sugary gums have 20 or more calories per stick, which adds up if you chew a lot – and can override the small calorie-burning effect of chewing it.

Source: Healthcommunities

Monday, November 30, 2009

Slow Eaters Win the Weight Race

It may seem obvious, but the faster you eat the more likely you are to overeat. Some observational studies support this notion. And you may know this – too well- from personal experience. A study, to appear in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, explains why eating fast may cause overeating. It has to do with hormones that act on the brain.

Eating is known to trigger the release of gut hormones, including peptide YY (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), which act on the hypothalamus in the brain to regulate appetite. This new study, by researchers from Greece and the U.K., however, is the first to look at how the speed at which you eat influences the release of these appetite-regulating hormones.

The study included 17 healthy people who, on one day, ate a big bowl of ice cream (the “test meal”) quickly (within five minutes), after fasting overnight. On a second day, they ate the ice cream slowly (within 30 minutes). Blood samples were taken before eating and then every 30 minutes after, for about three hours, to measure changes in hormone levels. As expected, the subjects had higher PYY and GLP-1 levels, and some reported feeling more full, when they ate slowly, compared to when they ate quickly. This generally held true in both normal-weight and overweight people.

The bottom line. The findings don’t guarantee that if you eat slowly you will eat less or lose weight (the researchers did not test this). Actually, many people who overeat do so in response to environmental, social, and/or psychological factors, not because they are hungry. Still, as the authors conclude, “The warning that we were given as children that `wolfing down your food will make you fat’ may in fact have a physiological explanation.”

Source: Healthcommunities

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Meditating Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure

Meditation can be a powerful tool for alleviating anxiety and combating stress. Not only is it clear that people often report simply “feeling better” after meditating, but a new study suggests that the body really does respond physically to meditation. And, the numbers, measured in lower blood readings, may be there to prove it.

Researchers at American University, Washington, D.C., randomly assigned 298 college students to participate in a standardized transcendental meditation program or wait-listed control group for three months. They then identified a subgroup of students who were at risk for hypertension because their blood pressure was higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered hypertension.

Results, published in the American Journal of Hypertension showed that at-risk students who meditated lowered their systolic blood pressure by 5.0 mm Hg and their diastolic blood pressure by 2.8 mm Hg on average. Improvements of this magnitude, if sustained, could reduce the likelihood of these at-risk students developing hypertension by 52%, according to the authors of the study.

This is encouraging on several levels. For one, meditation had the strongest effect on the people who needed it most. Students who were not at risk for hypertension who meditated also improved, but not as much, while the control group’s blood pressure actually increased during the study. Secondly, it shows that, with the help of something as easy and accessible as meditation, you really can exert a measure of direct control over your blood pressure.

Finally, a couple caveats are in order: it’s safe to say that, like any other therapy, getting real results from meditation probably requires that you adhere to some sort of formal routine, as the participants in this study did. And, while meditation can be a great adjunctive or “add-on” therapy, it’s certainly no substitute for more conventional ones like blood pressure medications, eating healthfully, and regular exercise.

Source: Healthcommunities

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sugar May Boost Blood Pressure, Too

People with hypertension are bombarded with warnings about salt – and with good reason. Excess salt comsumption (more than 1,500 mg daily) increases water retention and raises blood pressure. However, the sweet side of the taste spectrum may also be contributing to high blood pressure. The culprit? High fructose corn syrup.

Over a period of three years, researchers from the University of Colorado’s Health Sciences Center analyzed the diets of roughly 4,500 adults ages 18 or older. All had normal blood pressure (<120/80 mm/Hg) at the beginning of the study. By the end of the study, people who reported consuming more than 74 grams of fructose daily faced a 28% higher risk of developing stage 2 hypertension (160/100 mm/Hg or greater) and had a 87% greater chance of being prehypertensive (120-139/80-89 mm/Hg) than those who consumed the least fructose.

Found in everything from soft drinks to dried fruit, high fructose corn syrup has become such a staple of the modern western diet that it may be impossible to avoid. But do your best. For one, it doesn’t seem to take much fructose to have a detrimental effect: 74 grams daily is about the equivalent of three regular soft drinks. Plus, many people in the study who didn’t consume much sodium on a regular basis still developed hypertension if they indulged in fructose. This indicates that sugar by itself is to blame, and not necessarily unhealthy eating habits in general.

Source: Healthcommunities

Friday, November 27, 2009

Surprising Findings About Milk & Kids’ Weight

Parents are routinely advised to switch to low-fat milk for kids once they reach age two – or as early as 12 months old for children at risk for being overweight or with a family history of heart disease, obesity or high cholesterol. But is it possible that children who drink full-fat milk on a daily basis have a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) – the ratio of height to weight – than youngsters who rarely consume milk? That’s the conclusion of a thesis presented recently at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

The study looked at the nutrition, bone mineralization and body composition of 120 healthy eight-year-olds in Sweden, and asked the children how often they consumed a variety of foods.

The researchers found that the full-fat milk drinkers weighed less, on average, than the infrequent milk-drinkers. The same failed to hold true for kids who drank low-fat or medium-fat milk. It’s true that the full-fat milk drinkers consumed more saturated fat than recommended, but they still had a lower BMI than kids with a lower fat intake.

The explanation? Researchers say they really don’t have the answer. One possibility: Kids who avoid full-fat milk may be consuming more sugary soft drinks, say the researchers. Or, the full-fat milk drinkers may be more likely to be eating other healthy foods.

Before making your decision about what kind of milk to serve your youngster, talk with your child’s pediatrician.