Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mental Golf

A prerequisite to improving your golf game will be goal setting.  This is where you tell your brain which direction it is going. You must set goals that will push your mind and body beyond its normal limits. You can accomplish whatever you really desire. Do not listen to those little voices of doubt in the back of your mind.
Decide where you want your golf game to improve. This is the time to get passionate! Let yourself dream of already accomplishing your goal.
Most people fail to goal set because they are afraid of failure. They want to avoid pain. Some are afraid of success. Learn to associate pleasure with goal setting, and link massive pain to not reaching your goal. Don’t let life pass you by. Nobody ever won on a sure bet. When you have a goal that excites you, every cell in your body becomes turbo charged! You will become obsessed, and nothing will be able to steer you from achieving your goal.
Make a picture of your goal in your mind. See every detail unfolding as if it were a motion picture. What will you see? What will you hear? What will you feel? What will you smell? Who will be present? It is imperative that your goals are stated in a positive format. An example of this would be: I want to win the company golf tournament, and set a new course record.
As opposed to: I don’t want to finish second place an out of the money.
Try to insure that all your goal outcomes are in your control. Do not become to dependent on others to reach your goal. Encouragement is good, but never let anyone interfere with unleashing all your untapped energy toward your goal.
Next, set a time and place where your goal will be accomplished. Don not let anything side track you from sticking to this time frame.
If possible, try to visualize any barriers that may stand in the way of you reaching your goal. Be prepared for the worst even though it probably won’t happen. Be very honest with yourself. If you run into a barrier, plow through it. Remember – link massive pain to not working through a barrier.
Decide where you are at the present time. What will be needed in the way of mentors, equipment, etc? Start to chart a road map that will lead you to success. Chart short, medium, and long-term goals to keep you on track. Know what needs to be done on a daily basis. Don’t waste time, because it is a precious commodity. Always stay focused!
Create a 15 Second Goal Mission Statement to help you stay focused on your goal. Include as much detail as possible about achieving your goal. Commit this statement to memory, and repeat it upon wakening and before retiring to sleep.
Try to feel as if you were actually achieving your goal. An example of a Goal Mission Statement would be: I’m at Augusta National on the 18th hole. I am putting for a birdie that will insure me a victory at the Masters Tournament. I feel very confident and energized. After repeating your Goal Mission Statement, you should feel flooded with energy, and excitement. If you don’t maybe you have picked the wrong goal. Take your time with goal setting, because it will allow you to build a powerful mental foundation for life.
Golfers are capable of exhibiting multiple emotions. These emotions can be positive, or they may be negative in nature. Learning to communicate such feelings with your inner, (subconscious) mind will be quite helpful in reaching your goals.
Diagramming will uncover many facets of your life. It can show you that your future goals can be effected by past coaches, books, sports, people, etc.
This type of goal setting is not only productive, but is fun to perform. One thing will lead you to another. Some things will not appear to make sense immediately. Relax, and move your mind to another area of the diagram. Do not become critical of yourself. You can do no wrong here. Let the inner you take over.
Now go to a quite place where you will not be disturbed for the next 20 to 30 minutes. You will need a pencil, and a piece of paper. It’s time to construct your Auto-Diagramming Blueprint.
Diagramming Your Goal
1.Bring to mind a goal you would like to accomplish in the next 6 weeks. Make sure it is goal that really excites you.
2.Write your goal in the center of the paper and put a circle around it.
3.Now close your eyes, and relax for a few moments. Ask your inner mind to give you suggestions on how to reach this goal. This may seem a bit esoteric, but the answer you receive will amaze you.
4.Now open your eyes, and write down the first thing that comes to your mind. Put a circle around it and draw a line connecting it to your goal.
5.Please look at diagram 1-1. This person’s goal was to break 80 over 18 holes. Notice the many facets they have blended together. They equate breaking “80” as being fun, in control, and very enjoyable. Some of the things you will diagram will have a direct effect on your physical training, but keep in mind that our main goal here is developing mental toughness.
Past experience has shown us that the more clearly we can define our goals the more chance they will have of becoming a reality. Our will to win will be strengthened. This will directly influence our strength, coordination, balance, and endurance.
It takes about 2-3 seconds to swing a golf club, but keep in mind that your body and mind will process over 90 bits of information during this time.
After completing your Auto-Diagramming Blueprint. Put it in a place where you will be able to see it on a daily basis. The more you review your goal – the deeper it sinks into your inner mind. Make a habit of reading your Goal Blueprint upon wakening, and again at bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. Always positive in your pre-shot routine. You should always believe and voice your belief that you can hit the shot at hand, whether it is a long putt or an approach shot into the green or a fairway sand bunker shot. "I can hit this shot!"
