Thursday, September 13, 2012

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and the Brain

Your Body is Miraculous!


You may already know that researchers and doctors have discovered that every part of your body can be healed. In 2008, medical doctors announced that even the brain was capable of regenerating itself! A few years ago, they announced that the liver could regenerate itself. In alternative healing, we have known this for decades. Chiropractors have seen seemingly impossible cases of healing occur when the nervous system to the body part that is ailing is restored. And the beauty of the body healing itself is that it happens again and again.


So if your brain can heal itself and your liver can heal itself, why couldn’t the tissues in your hand and wrist? There’s no reason at all! Keep your Nervous System in a high state of health, and you will have unlimited potential.
Good luck,
Dr. Bob Moulas


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