Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stretching 101

I see no disadvantages to stretching – unless, of course, you do it improperly, which is actually easy to do if you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before beginning any stretching program:
· DON’T bounce when stretching
Hold your position for the specified time.
· DON’T stretch cold muscles
Always do some type of warm-up for at least five minutes:
jogging in place, walking on a treadmill, light jump rope, etc.
· DON’T overstretch
There should be a little discomfort, especially if you’re not
used to stretching, but it should not be painful.
· DON’T stretch a muscle improperly
If you are not sure of the proper stretch or how to perform
it, always ask for assistance from a professional.

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