Friday, September 28, 2012

Are You Out Of Control?

Does your life feel like's it out of control sometimes?

Did you ever say to yourself, "Why does this always happen to me?"

The decisions we make every minute of the day sometimes come back to us later and we're not always happy with the results.

But an important secret to success s to accept responsibility for every decision we make, not just the good ones.

When you take responsibility for your own actions, positive things start happening in your life.

I don't know what the reason is for that, but as soon as you accept the responsibility for where you are and what you are and what you've done suddenly you are in control of your life.

You realize that all the blame is on you. You are where you are in life because of CHOICES you've made... no one else.

No one else is to blame for your situation. Only you are to blame.

Once you realize that and accept that, you're in control. And once you're in control you can change your situation - if you want.

Does your life feel "out of control" sometimes (all the time?). This is the reason why.

I want you to get this planted firmly in your mind:

"I am responsible for my own actions. I am responsible for the situation I'm in right now. No one else is to blame for it. It's my mess and I'm going to do something to clean it up starting today."

The question you need to ask yourself continually is:

"What am I going to do to change my life right now, for the better?"

Now if you're one of those individuals who has always accepted responsibility for your own actions, then bless you.

You are to be congratulated- you are also rare.

I guarantee you though that re-affirming "you are responsible for you own actions" will be good to remember once in a while.

Start taking control of your life instead of being lead by your fears, insecurities, phobias, hate or other people.

It starts by accepting responsibility for yourself and your actions.

David J Vallieres

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