Sunday, July 18, 2010

Your Brain The Human Computer

The human brain has the potential to be faster and store more information than any computer ever developed. Unfortunately, we have only learned to use a tiny percentage of our brain’s capacity. Even so, your brain receives and interprets thousands of signals from every nerve in your body during every second of the day. The largest part of the brain, the cerebrum, relays messages from the sensory organs, such as the nose, eyes, ears, tongue and skin, to the various parts of your body. Certain areas of the cerebrum are responsible for specific functions, such as memory, reading comprehension, physical movement and so on. Another part of the brain, the medulla oblongata, controls automatic processes like breathing and keeping your heart beating. The cerebellum, is responsible for balance and motor coordination.

Your brain is connected to all parts of the body. The tail of the brain – the spinal cord emerges through an opening in the skull called the Foramen Magnum (a large hole). The spinal cord goes through the twenty-four bony rings or vertebrae and the spinal nerves branch out from the various vertebrae to carry information to and from every part of the body. As stated before, when the nerves are impeded because the vertebrae are out of alignment, the result is a lack of normal function.

Source: Chiropractic First


  1. It is so amazing how God has created us. The brain is an amazing thing. Thanks for the info, Dr. Bob

  2. Hi Sue,
    The brain is truely out of this world. It pretty much does not have any limitations. We are all lucky to have one.
    Take care,
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  3. Hi Sue,
    Are you keeping your brain and nervous system tuned up?????????????????? I hope all is well...
    Take care,
    Dr. Bob Moulas
