Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Experience of Dr. Harry Llwewllyn

I was reading when I first felt a dull ache in my lower back. The ache continued on and off for days. I knew that a car accident in my childhood had caused a severe lordosis or abnormal inward curvature of the lumbar vertebrae, but the injury had never affected me until now. Being a medical doctor, I followed the typical route of back x-rays and orthopedic surgeons. I was told I could avoid lying down on my back, tolerate the pain or try surgery. Not one of these answers appealed to me.

My brother-in-law advised me to visit a chiropractor. After a month of adjustments, I could read without any back pain. After five months of adjustments, I drove 18 hours back to New Jersey without any back pain. Until then, my limit in a car was 30 minutes.

Source: Chiropractic First


  1. A very good testimony. Chiropractic does work!!!!!

  2. Hi Sue,
    This is why I am a chiropractor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love hearing back from patients. Have a fantastic week.
    Dr. Bob Moulas
