Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More on Headaches............

Faulty elimination causes headaches.

For a minute, think back to a time when you were constipated. How did you feel? Miserable! I must tell you how important it is to have a bowel movement at least twice daily. If you don’t, you are constipated!

What happens inside the body when you are constipated is not pretty! All that waste matter sitting inside your intestines is rotting! Forgive me for being so graphic, but I want you to understand this. There is a process in the body called diffusion that happens inside the cells that works like this: wherever you have a higher concentration of something, it will flow to an area of lower concentration. When you have a high concentration of wastes in the intestines, they start “polluting” the rest of the organs in your abdomen. This is part of the reason why so many men have prostate problems!

Those wastes in your colon are in such a high concentration that they start “flowing” to other places in the body. Countless patients have told me over the years that part of the reason why they got headaches was because they were constipated.

So stop carrying around those old meals as a suitcase in your colon and start feeling better. You will clearly have fewer headaches as a result. Some simple ways to do this:

a. When you get up in the morning, drink two to three 8-oz glasses of water within five minutes. This will result in a bowel movement within about 30 minutes.

b. Obtain slippery elm bark powder from the health food store and mix 1 to 2 tablespoons in 1/3 cup applesauce. Eat once or twice daily. This works for diarrhea or constipation and is gentle enough for babies.

c. Obtain a colon cleanse formula and use it for at least six weeks.

d. Start eating celery or carrot sticks with lunch and dinner, or add 1 cup cooked vegetables to every meal.

e. Add 3 oz. aloe vera juice to every meal.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dr. Bob,

    Your post is definitely graphic and blunt.... people need to understand that constipation can lead to much more serious diseases if left unchecked.

    Thanks for your informative post!

    Peter Baca
