Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fibromyalgia an Symptoms

Do you feel like every drop of energy is drained from your body and most days you just hurt all over?

Does going to the bathroom feel like a ten- mile hike?

Even after numerous tests with your doctor, do they say “we can’t find anything wrong ?”

You are not alone. Six million Americans suffer from the effects of fibromyalgia. But the sad fact is most of them have been told they’re crazy, lazy, or just depressed.

“You've Been Everywhere, Tried Everything, And You're Still Suffering”

Maybe your doctor doesn’t even think fibromyalgia is a real disease, but you know it is. You suffer with it every day.

One fibromyalgia patient said it like this…

I am so tired of the guilt of not being able to keep my house the way I like or fix dinner for my husband all the time. With the girls and the meds and pain I can barely just get that done, let alone clean and cook dinner most days.”

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