Saturday, August 22, 2009

Keep the Kids Safe Part I

An Easy Way to Reduce Injury Risk

Teach your child to listen to their pain.

Athletes, whether professional or in grade school, place a tremendous amount of stress on their bodies. The running, jumping, tackling and falling that is a fairly frequent part of many competitive sports tend to result in sprains, strains and chronic injuries. These injuries can sideline an athlete and cause considerable pain, typically for only days, but sometimes for months or even longer.

The concept of pain should be taught to children as an important warning signal from the body that something is wrong and should be checked out. Taking prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers essentially masks the warning signal, which means children will tend to overextend themselves, resulting in a worsening of the underlying problem. This is why forward-thinking coaches, athletes and doctors (and parents) have come to realize that painkillers are not the answer. Painkillers merely cover up the pain and deceive the athlete into believing that they can do more than they actually should.

Source: Claudia Anrig, DC


  1. yes, when we are younger we think nothing can happen to hurt us. good advice for parents. Thanks again for all the great info, Dr. Bob

  2. Sue,
    We were invincible as kids, or at least we thought we were. Pain is an important signal to the body that something is not right. Parents and kids need to be on the same page on that one.

    Thank you,

    Dr. Bob Moulas
