Friday, April 24, 2009

Licorice For Stomach Ulcers

Deglycyrrhizinated licorice called (DGL) for short is a natural way to treat stomach ulcers. Prescription drugs Zantac or Tagamet work by decreasing stomach acid. This interferes with digestion, and formation of stomach cells.

DGL strengthens the stomach lining, and increases its defenses against acid. This is actually a smart way to do things! DGL also strengthens the immune system!!

In one major study DGL was superior when compared to antacids and tagamet.

If you are currently using prescription meds for stomach ulcers, ask your Dr. about substituting DGL. DGL can be purchased at most health food stores. Chewing one or two tablets 20-30 minutes before meals will give optimal benefits.


  1. Dr. Bob,

    Great information today on DGL! Your blog is a wonderful source for health information!

    Best Regards

    Pete Baca
    The Car Enthusiast Online

  2. Pete, You are a very kind person, and I enjoy having you on my site!

    Please come back,
    Dr. Moulas
