Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Process Of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics that stimulates the body’s vital forces to help eliminate disease. In this way it is much like the theory of chiropractic therapeutics. The body will manifest symptoms of a disorder as a mechanism to express disease. Many times the symptoms will help mobilize the body’s defense mechanisms as in the example of fever increasing the efficiency of immunocompetant white blood cells.

Chiropractic, homeopathy, and Chinese medicine share a holistic view and definition of disease. When the body cannot reorganize and right itself (maintain homeostasis, negative feedback mechanisms, etc,) because there is a block in the vital forces (nerve interference, subluxation, lack of qi, block in a meridian), disease will persist. In homeopathy, the symptoms of the illness are matched to those known to be associated with a specific remedy; that is, symptoms the remedy would cause in higher or toxic doses.

The remedy provides a signal to the body to stimulate and reorganize the vital forces toward the symptoms that need to be neutralized. The remedy used matches the symptom picture including the physical, mental, and emotional qualities of the illness, thus like cures like. This is called the Law of Similars. According to the principles of homeopathy, a single remedy in the smallest possible dose is used. The list of remedies can be of vegetable, animal, or mineral origin, and each is specially prepared or diluted by a process that amplifies or “potentizes” the therapeutic effect on the body. Micro doses usually significantly below one part per million are used and thus homeopathic remedies are totally non-toxic.

Source: Clinical Management of Children

1 comment:

  1. Dr. bob, a lot of people use this. From what I have heard I guess it works in most cases. What do you think?
