Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is Your Workspace Putting You at Risk for Injury?

More than 90 percent of office workers use a personal computer, but whether they use it correctly is debatable. By “correctly,” I’m not referring to whether they know how to troubleshoot error messages or prevent e-mail viruses from attacking. I’m talking about having your computer monitor, keyboard, chair and workspace organized in a way that promotes pain-free work and discourages repetitive-stress and ergonomic-related injuries.

· Adjust Your Keyboard Height

When you are in a seated position and sitting up straight, the position of the keyboard should be at the height of your elbows or below. Most people will sit with a keyboard height approximately level with their abdomen. This forces the shoulders to remain in an elevated or shrugged position.

· Adjust Your Monitor Height

Another common problem is the height of your monitor. The top of your monitor should be at the level of your eyebrows or top of your head.

· Adjust Your Chair Height and Sitting Position

Attempt to maintain flat-footed placement on the floor to help with overall balance while sitting. Your objective is to maintain proper posture while sitting by allowing as much contact between your body and the chair.

· Small Changes, Big Benefits

It may seem like an oversimplification, but learning to sit up straight, suck in your stomach, and keep your keyboard at the level of your elbows and below, and your monitor at the proper level, are easy ways to minimize your risk of chronic and repetitive-stress injuries at the workplace.

Source: David Ryan, BS, DC


  1. great info, sitting at a desk can be a real pain....... literally! thanks again Dr. Bob.

  2. Sue,
    These small tips can make your job alot easier, and avoid work related injuries. Work smarter,not harder. Ha!
    Dr. Bob
