Tuesday, June 29, 2010


1. Allow your family to help plan the trip.
This can be fun for everyone.

2. Have an itinerary.
It can help you stay organized.

3. Bring easy to carry snacks or transportable picnic lunch.
Bringing snacks and drinks can keep pit stops to a minimum.

4. Organize your bags ahead of time.
Packing the night before the trip will help you to remember what you need.

5. Bring activities for long road trips or flights.
Puzzles, magazines, coloring books, and/or a CD or DVD player can help ease the tension of a long trip.

6. Stop along the way.
Take some time to see sites and capture the memories.

7. Expect the unexpected.
Being prepared for road blocks, will prevent unforeseen events from spoiling your fun.

8. Bring a camera and don’t forget the charger.
If you don’t have one, you can purchase a disposable one at the nearest grocery or convenience store.

Source: OC Health

Monday, June 28, 2010

Chiropractic Trivia

As a chiropractor, I am asked a lot of the same questions. I assume that the general public may need a bit of help on some health issues?

Question 1: Should I use hot or cold packs on my body?

Answer: New injuries i.e. sprained ankle, etc. should be treated with ice for 20 minutes every 2-3 hours. Overall if your body feels tight, heat can be used for 20-30 minutes as needed. If you are in pain and have inflammation, ice the area 20 minutes every 2-3 hours.

If in doubt, always consult a professional in the health field.

Dr. Bob Moulas

Sunday, June 27, 2010


There are no disadvantages to stretching – unless, of course, you do it improperly, which is actually easy to do if you don’t know what you’re doing. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before beginning any stretching program:

· DON’T bounce when stretching

Hold your position for the specified time.

· DON’T stretch cold muscles

Always do some type of warm-up for at least five minutes:

jogging in place, walking on a treadmill, light jump rope, etc.

· DON’T overstretch

There should be a little discomfort, especially if you’re not

used to stretching, but it should not be painful.

· DON’T stretch a muscle improperly

If you are not sure of the proper stretch or how to perform

it, always ask for assistance from a professional.

Source: To Your Health

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Is Your Workspace Putting You at Risk for Injury?

More than 90 percent of office workers use a personal computer, but whether they use it correctly is debatable. By “correctly,” I’m not referring to whether they know how to troubleshoot error messages or prevent e-mail viruses from attacking. I’m talking about having your computer monitor, keyboard, chair and workspace organized in a way that promotes pain-free work and discourages repetitive-stress and ergonomic-related injuries.

· Adjust Your Keyboard Height

When you are in a seated position and sitting up straight, the position of the keyboard should be at the height of your elbows or below. Most people will sit with a keyboard height approximately level with their abdomen. This forces the shoulders to remain in an elevated or shrugged position.

· Adjust Your Monitor Height

Another common problem is the height of your monitor. The top of your monitor should be at the level of your eyebrows or top of your head.

· Adjust Your Chair Height and Sitting Position

Attempt to maintain flat-footed placement on the floor to help with overall balance while sitting. Your objective is to maintain proper posture while sitting by allowing as much contact between your body and the chair.

· Small Changes, Big Benefits

It may seem like an oversimplification, but learning to sit up straight, suck in your stomach, and keep your keyboard at the level of your elbows and below, and your monitor at the proper level, are easy ways to minimize your risk of chronic and repetitive-stress injuries at the workplace.

Source: David Ryan, BS, DC

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stay Balanced

These are certainly turbulent times. With less available work, lower pay, bills, demands of children and family, it is harder than ever to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. If you’re like most people, you are working longer hours and are busier than ever, so it’s important not to overlook your personal health. Here are some tips to maintain balance:

Be sure to eat well.

A good guideline is: “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” A bad diet interferes with sleep and promotes weight gain.

Don’t stop exercising.

We all have the same 24 hours each day, so you have to prioritize time to take care of yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big block of time, even walking 15 minutes twice daily will greatly help. Everything counts. Get a pedometer and try to do 10,000 steps daily.

Make time for family and relationships.

Schedule a date with your spouse or significant other at least weekly. Tons of things to see and do in Orange County are practically free.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If your life feels out of control, talk to a friend, a pastor, physician, or therapist. If you have serious anxiety or depression symptoms, don’t ignore them.

Source: Kevin M. Kinback, M.D.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chiropractic Works For All, If We Give It A Chance

Dear Friend,

What a story. It’s a story that I heard long ago that I should tell you about, too. It may help change a life.

At the first glimmer of light of dawn, a young man walked at the edge of the seashore. There had been a storm the night before, and he knew this would be a good morning to find seashells. With pants rolled up above his ankles, he walked along looking down for what treasures he might find.

Then the young man looked up and could barely make out a figure of a very old man ahead of him. The young man watched as the old man bent down to pick up an object from the sand, and toss it into the surf. As he got closer, and the light of morning began to turn the sand pink, he noticed that the old man was picking up starfish that had been tossed up on the beach by the storm. There were thousands of them, but one by one the old man picked them up, and tossed them back into the surf.

Nearing the old man the young man introduced himself, and said, “Excuse me, but there are thousands of starfish stranded here on the beach. You can’t possibly make a difference?”

The old man smiled and looked at him, then picked up another starfish. He tossed it back in the sea. “I certainly made a difference to that one, didn’t I, son?”

It’s strange how life is, because now people come to seeme with their carpal tunnel syndrome problems. Also they come to me with their headaches, migraines, chronic pain, neck pain, shoulder/arm pain, whiplash from car accidents, backaches, ear infections, asthma, allergies, numbness in limbs, athletic injuries, just to name a few.

There are millions of people who suffer from health problems, and many do not know where they can turn. For over one hundred years, chiropractors have been helping those people and making a difference to them, one by one.

You should know that I don’t heal anyone of anything.What I do is perform a specific spinal adjustment to remove nerve pressure, and the body responds by healing itself. We get tremendous results. It’s as simple as that!

Forty-eight million Americans no longer have health insurance, and those who do have found that their benefits are reduced. That’s where my chiropractic comes in. I have a significantly lower exam fee plan so that more people are able to afford the care they need. Another way to save… studies show that chiropractic may double your immune capacity, naturally and without drugs. The immune system fights colds, the flu, and other sicknesses. So you may not be running off to the M.D. as much. Studies show that many people actually pay less for their health care expenses if they are seeing a chiropractor.

My assistants Sue and Candice are really great people. Our office is both friendly and warm and we try our best to make you feel at home. We have a wonderful service, at an exceptional fee. Contact me through this blog. We can help you. Thank you.

Bob Moulas, D.C.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Key Hormones: What They Are, What They Do and What Happens When They’re Unbalanced Part II

WHAT IT DOES: A group of three hormones produced by the thyroid gland control metabolism (conversion of oxygen and calories to energy), a critical function in the human body.
WHEN UNBALANCED: Fatigue, apathy, short-term memory problems, depression, and in extreme cases, hallucinations.
WHAT IT DOES: Regulates blood glucose (sugar) levels.
WHEN UNBALANCED: Cells cannot absorb glucose molecules well when insulin is too low or when there is resistance to insulin. Without treatment, effects on the body are catastrophic.
WHAT IT DOES: Increases blood flow and heart activity, making the body ready for extra exertion and energy.
WHEN UNBALANCED: Often caused by undue stress, high adrenaline levels result in anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue syndrome, weight disorders, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and shortness of breath.
WHAT IT DOES: Helps regulate blood pressure and cardiovascular function, as well as the body’s use of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
WHEN UNBALANCED: Stress can cause high cortisol levels, which can lead to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and lowered libido.
Source: To Your Health

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Key Hormones: What They Are, What They Do and What Happens When They’re Unbalanced Part I


WHAT IT DOES: Responsible for female characteristics and sexual functions. Also present in men, but at much lower levels.

WHEN UNBALANCED: Low estrogen levels are the primary culprit in hot flashes, night sweating, dryness, loss of sex drive, and mood swings associated with menopause. Low levels can also increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and bone fractures.


WHAT IT DOES: Important for ovulation and menstruation.

WHEN UNBALANCED: Low progesterone levels can lead to insomnia, foggy thinking, mood changes, joint and muscle pain, and weight gain.


WHAT IT DOES: Responsible for male characteristics and sex drive. Also found in low levels in women.

WHEN UNBALANCED: Lower sex drive, decreased muscle mass, increased risk of heart disease. Lethargy and weight gain can also accompany low levels.

Source: To Your Health

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tips For A Successful Parent Conference

Whether in elementary, middle or high school, parent conferences can be emotional

1. BRING YOUR STUDENT WITH YOU so everyone hears the same message.

This way, the information cannot be misconstrued or misinterpreted.

2. WRITE DOWN YOUR CONCERNS in order of importance the night before.

It helps if you and your student can talk together about what is going on before meeting with the teacher instead of walking in cold.

3. BE READY to listen.

If you are ready to listen along with your student, all concerned can negotiate a plan to follow at home.

4. GIVE YOUR CHILD some credit!

He might surprise you by describing his own needs or understanding of the situation at hand. Remember that your child must learn how to work through difficult circumstances on his own, and it is your role as parent to guide him in doing this.

5. THE FACT IS YOUR CHILD is one of several students that the teacher sees during the school day.

In middle and high schools, classes may be as high as 35 students.

6. KNOW YOUR STUDENT IS accountable for assignments.

It is crucial that your child know what assignment or test is due on what date.

Now this sounds like the teacher is in complete control of the parent conference and that the parent and student are helpless victims of the institution. Not at all. When you walk out of a parent conference, there should be a concrete plan.

Source: Karyn Rashoff, High School Counselor

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Rules For Success

You will never achieve anything great in life until you start believing that something inside you is bigger than the circumstances you face.

You can become great by making a decision to pursue your dream in life and refusing to quit.

Every success you’ve ever had or will ever have is the product of your courage to act and the courage to endure.

Success is not about how much talent you have. It’s about what you do with the talent you do have.

Successful people love the battle, the challenge and the journey. It’s about knowing that you did your best.

You’ll always go further with the help of a coach or mentor.

If you do whatever it takes for however long it takes, success is only a matter of time.

Source: Ruben Gonzalez

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Successful Eating

DON’T SKIP MEALS: Make sure you eat all six meals each day to keep your body well-nourished and your metabolic rate high. That’s how you’ll burn calories.

EAT EVERY TWO TO THREE HOURS: Eating on a regular basis will keep you feeling full and help you lose weight/maintain a healthy weight.

EAT SLOWLY: Spend at least 15 minutes eating each whole-food meal; eat snacks and drink your meal replacement shake as slowly as possible.

DRINK WATER: Drink at least eight cups (64 ounces) of water every day.

A healthy body starts with a healthy weight. When you incorporate a healthy meal plan into your daily routine, you’re taking an important step toward long-term health and wellness while losing those extra pounds your body doesn’t need and you certainly don’t want. With each pound you lose, your confidence will grow. Good luck! Talk to your doctor for more information.

Source: Donald L. Hayes, DC

Monday, June 14, 2010

Chiropractic Experience For Jonathan

My problem began quite unexpectedly. I bent down one day but couldn’t stand straight again. At 57, I’m very active. I play a lot of tennis, and my job as a mechanic at McDonnell-Douglas requires me to bend and twist in some awkward positions, especially when I have to squeeze through the small openings in some of the jets I work on.

Five days after the problem began I was still suffering agonizing low back pain. I wasn’t able to do anything.

I took the recommendations of several friends and went to see a doctor of chiropractic who took x-rays. I was told that the problem was in my spine; and the doctors explained the spine’s direct relation to my general health.

When I came to the chiropractor, I couldn’t even reach my knees with my hands. Now I can touch my toes without bending my knees, which I haven’t been able to do for more years than I can remember. I can’t thank my chiropractor enough.

Source: Chiropractic First

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Process Of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of therapeutics that stimulates the body’s vital forces to help eliminate disease. In this way it is much like the theory of chiropractic therapeutics. The body will manifest symptoms of a disorder as a mechanism to express disease. Many times the symptoms will help mobilize the body’s defense mechanisms as in the example of fever increasing the efficiency of immunocompetant white blood cells.

Chiropractic, homeopathy, and Chinese medicine share a holistic view and definition of disease. When the body cannot reorganize and right itself (maintain homeostasis, negative feedback mechanisms, etc,) because there is a block in the vital forces (nerve interference, subluxation, lack of qi, block in a meridian), disease will persist. In homeopathy, the symptoms of the illness are matched to those known to be associated with a specific remedy; that is, symptoms the remedy would cause in higher or toxic doses.

The remedy provides a signal to the body to stimulate and reorganize the vital forces toward the symptoms that need to be neutralized. The remedy used matches the symptom picture including the physical, mental, and emotional qualities of the illness, thus like cures like. This is called the Law of Similars. According to the principles of homeopathy, a single remedy in the smallest possible dose is used. The list of remedies can be of vegetable, animal, or mineral origin, and each is specially prepared or diluted by a process that amplifies or “potentizes” the therapeutic effect on the body. Micro doses usually significantly below one part per million are used and thus homeopathic remedies are totally non-toxic.

Source: Clinical Management of Children

Friday, June 11, 2010

Im A Chiropractor

I am a Chiropractor working with the sciences of the universe by turning on the life in man thru the art of the adjustment. I do not prescribe, treat or diagnose conditions. I use only my hands. I work with that “mysterious something” which created my body from two cells.

At a time prescribed aeons ago I was set in this body to experience. That cosmic power which created me, which also moves the seas, rotates the earth, directs the heavens, gives life, takes it away, is everything. And that power which set the universe in motion and created me did not abandon me when I became free of the security of my earthly mother’s womb. It is still with me and protects me as it moves all forms toward their final predestined goal.

It is not mine to educatedly ask “why” or “where,” but to innately live; and live to help my fellow creatures. And with this Chiropractic adjustment I use all the powers and energies moving this universe, to allow my fellow creatures the chance to live, free of dis-ease.

I wish nothing in return, only the chance to GIVE. I give with the only thing I have, LOVE. And I love all by removing that which interferes with 100% of LIFE. I do not look to others for direction, I look within. I am a perfect expression of God living 24 hours each day for others – I am a PRINCIPLED CHIROPRACTOR.

B.J. Palmer, D. C., Ph.C.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Chiropractic Miracle Of Winifred Gardella

In the early 1950’s Winifred Gardella was a poster child for the March of Dimes. Her picture was published in the newspapers to raise huge sums of money for the March of Dimes in San Francisco. Nationally, her image raised millions of dollars to help fight the dreaded crippler, polio. Her sad, innocent face and her tiny body supported on crutches and leg braces, made many Americans reach into their pockets to donate.

But the March of Dimes couldn’t help Winifred. After two and a half years under their doctor’s expert care, her parents were told: “There is no hope.”

Despite this dire prediction, her grandparents were determined to find a cure. They were not about to accept the opinion of so-called “medical experts.” They decided to choose their own health care and they took Winifred to Dr. Lewis Robertson, a chiropractor. In less than six months of having her nerve interference corrected, Winifred Gardella threw away her crutches and braces and went for a walk with her chiropractor. She has been walking ever since!

Source: Chiropractic First

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why Does Your Back Ache?

US Department of Labor estimates that 100 million workdays per year are lost due to low back pain!

Carrying the kids on your shoulders, cleaning the floors, lifting groceries out of the car, or a little extra up front, (that’s the pendulous abdominal syndrome). Lifting, bending and twisting, or worse yet, sitting all day at work. Add this to a slip and fall or a previous car accident and it’s not difficult to understand why studies show that approximately 80% of Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some time in their life. Many times back pain begins after just bending over to pick up a pencil. Now, it’s not the pencil causing your back pain, but rather your lower back’s structure (meaning the muscles, joints, discs, and vertebrae) has lost its normal functioning, and therefore could not provide the necessary support to your spine. Doctors of Chiropractic specialize in finding the cause of your lower back pain. Combining spinal adjustments with proper exercises and stretches, and a well balanced diet are the keys to reducing or eliminating your lower back pain. Doctors of Chiropractic are the specialists in treating lower back pain!

Resource: Cassidy, J.D., et al, “Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Low-Back Pain.”

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chiropractic And Wellness

Chiropractic health care is a branch of the healing arts based on the scientific fact that our nervous system controls or influences the function of every cell in our body. Interference to the nervous system (caused by the vertebral subluxation complex) will effect how the nervous system relates to the cells to which it travels.

The term “Chiropractic” comes from the Greek words “cheiro and praktikos” meaning “done by hand.” The Chiropractic model of health is centered on the philosophy that the human body, being knit together in a wonderful way, will heal itself given the right opportunity and circumstances. Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) essentially promote the healing process by minimizing nerve interference.

Source: Chiropractic Wellness

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Do You Need Surgery?

The New England Journal of Medicine reported that surgery is overused for the treatment of back pain!

If you or someone you know is suffering from back pain, don’t rush off to get surgery. The New England Journal of Medicine reported that surgery is overused for the treatment of back pain! In fact, the rate of all types of back surgery is more than 40% higher in the US than in any other country.

Furthermore, it should be noted that surgery does not always improve the outcome and in some cases can even make the condition worse.

There is considerable evidence supporting the use of conservative, non-surgical treatments for back pain. Consult with your Doctor of Chiropractic to see if conservative care to correct the cause of your lower back pain is an appropriate option for you.

Resource: Deyo R, Weinstein J, et al. Low back pain. The New Eng J. of Med