Thursday, October 8, 2009

Key Brain Chemical Lower in ADHD

It’s long been theorized that those with ADHD may have lower levels of certain brain chemicals, such as dopamine, which are linked to the reward and motivation systems. Now, thanks to a brain-imaging study from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, we have the first clear evidence that this is so.

The findings, specifically, that the ADHD patients in the imaging study had lower levels of dopamine receptors and transporters in two parts of the brain involved in processing motivation and reward, may help researchers focus more clearly on ways to combat those deficits.

Source: Health Insider


  1. great info, Dr. Bob. at least they are finding ways to help these people.

  2. Hi Sue,
    I will like it when we find a safe way to help people with this disorder. Thank you for this comment.


    Dr. Bob Moulas
