Friday, September 25, 2009

Does Your Inhaler Work?

If you believe it does, you are more likely to use it. A new study of 261 people with asthma published in the Annals of Asthma, Allergy& Immunology found that participants who believed their inhaler worked and it was “important” to take, even while symptom-free, were more likely to comply with their treatment regimen than those who didn’t. Participants concerned about side effects were half as likely to take their meds. If you have questions or concerns about your asthma meds make sure to bring it up with your doctor.

Source: Remedy Life


  1. I use an inhaler and it helps a lot!! thanks for the info, Dr. Bob!!

  2. Harry,
    Glad to hear your inhaler is helpful. Keep up the good work. Thanks for the comment.


    Dr. Bob Moulas

  3. Harry,
    Are you still using your inhaler? Are there any tips you can pass on.
    Take care,
    Dr. Bob Moulas
