Monday, September 21, 2009

Milk for Milk Allergies

If your child has milk allergies the answer may be…more milk? That’s what researchers at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center suggest in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. In the study, researchers followed-up on 18 children with milk allergies, who during a 2008 study were given increasing doses of milk or dairy products to teach their body to tolerate it. They found that among the participants, six could continue to drink milk without a problem, whereas seven kids had a mild reaction after drinking milk. Does this mean you should go buy a gallon of milk? Not yet, but it does offer hope that the body’s immune system can be retrained when it comes to certain allergies.

Source: Remedy Life


  1. Wow, 2 out of 3 of my boys had milk allergies, it is really hard when they are small. thanks for the info, Dr. Bob

  2. Sue,
    This study showed alot of promise in beating milk allergies. I hope they keep up with this study, because milk can be a good source of protein for youngsters.
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  3. Hi Sue,
    How are your boys doing? I heard one was going back to the war? Take care and drop me a line.
    Thank you,
    Dr. Bob Moulas
