Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good Fibromyalgia Information..

Is All This Worth My Time and Effort?

Q: If fibromyalgia has many causes and I don’t know what caused it in me is, will the recommendations for diet, exercise and sleep work for me?

A: Yes. By receiving chiropractic treatments, you will be addressing the causes that have to do with the nervous system. This directly and indirectly affects the metabolic pathways and the hormonal pathways. Chiropractic manipulations create harmony inside the body through the physiology and that harmony decreases stress and helps you sleep better. The diet recommendations will help your nervous system function better, decrease stress, provide the nutrients your body needs for every cell to work properly and assist the body in healing. Certain vitamins, nutrients and herbs can promote healing and also decrease infections. When you provide everything the body needs, that’s when the body’s innate intelligence takes over and starts the healing process.

The exercise recommendations are simple and prevent exacerbations of fibromyalgia. That word “exacerbation” is a big word meaning setbacks that can last a while. You probably have already had times where you’re doing well with very few symptoms and then suddenly for a few days or a few weeks, you go through a difficult time with lots of symptoms. That’s an exacerbation. We want to prevent those exacerbations.

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