Friday, November 4, 2011

Fibromyalgia again..

What You’ll Find Here That Will Change Your Life

In this special report of home care recommendations, you’ll find out what is best in three basic categories: 1) dietary, 2) exercise, and 3) sleep.

I’m focusing on these three categories for three reasons. First of all, what you put in your mouth matters! Secondly, how you exercise can set you back or help you progress toward a full recovery. And lastly, how you sleep affects every part of your waking moments. Without a good night of rest, no one does anything at their best, and I want you to be at your peak mentally, physically and emotionally at all times! You can get there, you know!

If you have any questions about anything in this report, be sure to write them down and bring them in to ask me them at your next appointment. I want you to have all the answers so there’s no mistake about what you should be doing. Ready to go for it and grab your healing now?

Let’s start with some background information about fibromyalgia. I’ve collected questions from my patients over the years and these are the ones I’ll focus on in this special report. Just like they were very important to my previous patients, they no doubt will be important to you, too.

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