Friday, February 19, 2010

Weight Loss Tips For Restaurants

1. No fast food joints.

2. Dessert is a big no-no.

3. Only water and unsweetened tea.

4. Order salad dressing on the side.

5. Have your entrée grilled or broiled. Sorry the fryer is broken.

6. Share your food. Who knows, this might become the reason you want to lose weight?

7. Ask the food server if you can substitute foods.

8. The cracker and bread basket should be sent away A.S.A.P.

9. Don’t frequent restaurants that do not have a healthy menu selection.

10. Stay away from the artificial sweeteners. They will only make you hungrier.


  1. I also look at -calories in and calories out and take a long walk after eatting out.

    I use your ideas and they are all valid.

    Tom Bailey

  2. Tom,
    A walk after eating can have a positive effect on digestion. Sounds like you have a pretty sound system going? Keep up the good work!
    Dr. Bob Moulas
