Wednesday, March 25, 2009


To understand chiropractic, one must have a basic understanding about how the body functions. From the time you were born, your Inner Wisdom has known exactly how to keep you healthy and alive. It knows how fast your heart should beat, how often your lungs need to breathe, how to digest food and how to eliminate waste. There are millions of details controlled by your Inner Wisdom to keep this marvelous machine in prime functioning condition.

“… a kind of super  intelligence exists in each of us, infinitely smarter  and possessed of technical know-how far beyond our present understanding.” -Lewis Thomas, M.D.  

Every living organism in our world possesses what chiropractors call Innate Intelligence. The body machine comes out of the “factory” fully able to function, as long as it has regular fuel and adequate maintenance. Innate Intelligence sends instructions to every organ and cell in your body through the nerve system housed by the vertebrae. However, unless your spinal vertebrae are correctly aligned, those instructions can’t be received and followed properly. The result is “Dis-ease” and dysfunction.



  1. Great article, and God did an excellent job of creating us!! And He made chiropractors to help keep us maintained!

  2. Sue,
    I could not agree with you more. Everything is for a purpose.


    Dr. Bob
