Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Pure Heart By I. Lee

Most of us want to be loved. The greatest Love comes from Truth with a capital “T.” It is universal and unconditional. When we encounter it in the world around us, we naturally want to draw closer to it, but we can’t actually reach it that way.

This Love from the ultimate Truth exists inside our own hearts. However, we can only experience it when our hearts are pure and open to it. If we try to control our lives tightly, or get lost in our emotional dramas, we can only look for love, long for happiness, or yearn for freedom. True Love will remain hidden and separate from us.

This holiday season, let’s find the love, happiness, and freedom inside by purifying our hearts. We can clear away the thoughts and emotions covering them with breathing and meditation.

I wish you and your loved ones happy holidays and peace and love in the New Year.

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