Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More From I. Lee

The Most Important Message

The main message I try to spread is that each of us has a great and holy soul inside—a part of us that is a taintless truth that never dies. When we listen to the voice of our soul and allow it to guide our life, we can design a fulfilling life of love and happiness.

A life based on our soul is a spiritual life. That means our decisions are based on a consideration of true welfare for all people and the earth. When many people endorse this lifestyle, it will form the foundation of a spiritual civilization.

I wrote The Call of Sedona to share this message. On the personal journey I describe in this book, I learned the importance of meditation for clearing our minds and emotions so we can focus on our souls. I found hope, inspiration, and the path to a new world in which each person's soul is truly free.

I have put my life into The Call of Sedona. It is everything I’ve done over the past 15 years and more. It has all of the messages I’ve received, and my dreams for the future. This book is my heart and soul and carries that energy.

Please join me in building a new spiritual civilization based on the sincere wishes of our souls.

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