Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chiropractic and Walking

The average person takes about 10,000 steps on a daily basis. The feet provide stability and balance for your body. Fallen arches can effect your body’s position and weight distribution. Structural foot problems can create neck and low back pain. This in turn causes the hips and knees to overwork.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic knows that foot imbalances can be corrected by adjustments to the feet, and you may also be fitted for orthotics. Orthotics can help balance the body, and provide stability to injured areas.

Foot problems may not always result in pain. Your chiropractic adjustments also have less chance of holding if the feet are out of balance.

Consult your chiropractor if you are experiencing back and foot problems.


  1. Dr. Bob,

    Thanks for the great information! I was unaware that the average person walked that much in a day.
    Your comments on orthotics is right on!

    Best Regards


  2. Hi Dr. Moulas,
    How far is 10,000 steps a day in miles? Just curious.

  3. Pete,
    Thanks for the positive comments! I have been wearing orthotics for 20 years. They changed my life alot. Keep up the good work, and don't stop moving.
    Dr. Bob Moulas

  4. Hi Candice,
    I guess it would be around 2 miles or so? The key is to keep regular with your workouts.
    Take care,
    Dr. Bob Moulas
