Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fight Cancer With The Food You Eat

Eating the right foods can lead to a healthier you, while eating the wrong foods can increase the risk of disease such as cancer. Researchers have found that one out of every three cancer cases is diet related.
Learn to eat the foods that contain antioxidants, which help neutralize damage to your cells, caused by the environment, and avoid foods that contain free radicals such as Trans Fats.
AVOCADOS help block the absorption of certain fats in your intestines. And they contain more potassium than bananas.
BROCCOLI, CABBAGE AND CAULIFLOWER contains a natural chemical component that helps fight breast cancer. Broccoli sprouts contain natural ingredients that can help prevent colorectal cancer.
CARROTS are known for beta-carotene, which may help prevent cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate and breast.
The naturally occurring substance that makes CHILE PEPPERS hot also may help prevent stomach cancer.
Boost your immune cells and help fight cancer with garlic. People who eat raw or cooked garlic may lower their risk of stomach cancer by half, and their risk of colorectal cancer by two thirds.
RED GRAPES contain a substance that may prevent abnormal cell formation.
MUSHROOMS such as shitake can help build your immune system.
RASPBERRIES have properties that may help protect against cancer.
TOMATOES contain lycopene, which attacks molecules suspected of causing cancer.

Compliments of Moulas Chiropractic

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