Monday, January 11, 2010

Dr. Bob's Weekly Update 1-11-10

Courtesy of: Bob Moulas, D.C., 714-974-2505

Mental Attitude: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you can not do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?" ~ Luke 12: 25-26

Health Alert: Flu Migration ~ The flu begins each year in Asia (especially in the east and southeast regions) and begins to thrive during certain favorable conditions. In tropical areas, the flu likes the rainy season. In temperate zones, it prefers the chillier months. Because Asia has overlapping zones and dense populations, the virus tends to circulate all year long. After a new strain begins to spread through Asia, it moves to Australia, North America and Europe 6-9 months later. The virus finally burns out in South America or maybe Africa. Be careful as trade and travel patterns appear to be reasons for the geographical migration. ~ Science, April 2008

Diet: Obesity Deaths ~ Health statisticians are now warning obesity may soon become the number-one cause of deaths from cancer. Currently, smoking is responsible for about 30% of all cancer-related deaths. Obesity ranks second, at 14% and 20% for men and women, respectively. Due to the success of anti-smoking campaigns and legislation, smoking is gradually becoming less of a factor. In addition, more research is turning up evidence for the role of excess weight in many different types of cancer formations. Earlier studies focused on food content, but it's starting to look as if body fat itself is more relevant. ~ Associated Press, Feb 2008

Exercise: Growth Hormone Illusion ~ The effects of human growth hormone (HGH) use by athletes are interesting: HGH use does appear to increase muscle mass, but the more massive muscles do not appear to be any stronger than the original versions, had they been physically trained in the same manner. In fact, researchers suggest exercise capacity might suffer with HGH, as well as producing other side effects. The dosages studied were at levels considered fairly safe, and these findings might not apply to people using dangerously high amounts of the hormone. ~ Ann Intern Med, May 2008

Chiropractic: Patients with general back pain have great results with chiropractic care. A study of back pain sufferers who received chiropractic care found 81.75% reported their back pain was much improved, 17.3% reported their back pain was slightly improved, 0.95% reported no change and 0.0% reported their pain worsened. ~ Chiropractic Research Foundation of National Chiropractic Association

Wellness/Prevention: Teflon Babies ~ A report correlates the use of nonstick cookware in the kitchen with low-birth-weight human babies. Previous research in rodents found developmental problems resulting from exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA). Researchers used umbilical cord were decreased relative to higher concentrations of the compounds. ~ Environmental Health Perspectives, July 2007.

Quote: "The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body." ~ Grays Anatomy

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