Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More From I. Lee

There’s No Good or Evil

The year 2012 will begin an era of a new spiritual civilization.

Bold statement you say? How can I be so sure? What exactly is a new spiritual civilization?

The era of the new spiritual civilization is the time when we all express our role as the divine, as God.

Ilchi Lee 2012

Do you know that you are God? I think we need a new definition of God. God is not a being who gives blessings or curses. God does not ask for worship or the giving of glory. In fact, God is the natural creative force in the universe. There is no good or evil, there is simply the Great Law of Nature that describes how things work, like gravity.

Human beings are beings originally connected with God. We are naturally divine humans, or Shin In in Korean. The era of the new spiritual civilization is the Shin In era. We actualize ourselves as Shin In when we restore our humanity, or recover our welfare. That means helping others, or being Hong Ik, and it means living within the Great Laws of Nature and growing your soul. That’s how we reconnect with our divinity.

Is what you are doing now helping others or causing them suffering? If you have caused suffering to others, then you willingly take responsibility for it. You are not damned for eternity for it.

Shin In are creators; they are managers of the earth who make fusion happen. They put together something new out of what’s already there because they have a dream. For example, with the iPad, Steve Jobs showed us the value and result of fusion. An era of fusion is coming, one of synergy and interaction where people will create a bright world together. Right now, that give and take is not happening freely.

All of humanity will live as Shin In the era of spiritual civilization. It will happen through breathing and meditation—something humanity already does (albeit mostly unconsciously). That’s the main message of my latest book, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart.

In this new era in which all humans will be connected to their divinity, they can live and make decisions based on their sixth sense—their intuition or spiritual insight. From there, consciousness goes up to the 7th and 8th sense and so on. That’s what the breathing and meditation is for. It helps us see the world from a distance while becoming one and feeling oneness with it. Then our sense of humanity is recovered and we understand the value of our lives. We know that the earth and the sky, the moon and the stars are ours.

But the era of the Shin In, the divine human, can only be established by human beings. We simply have to decide. For example, I now declare that January 1, 2012 will begin the era of a new spiritual civilization. I have the right to make this declaration as one human who loves the earth.

Now that the era is declared and we know it’s coming, it will happen through a community of enlightened people, of Shin In. It cannot be decided or brought about by a country or a religion. It comes about when many people accept it as the greatest blessing in the history of humanity. The moment a person understands that, that person becomes enlightened. The important thing is choosing it and when you’ve made that choice you have to declare it and from that moment a new time begins.

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